Chapter 14

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I'm going to make this a long chapter :)


Alina's POV

I planned to tell Harry when we get to our house. I quickly packed up everything and went downstairs. I saw Carmyn and she was frowning.

"Your leaving me?" She said. I chuckled.

"Sorry but yes and i'll tell you why later." i said patting her back. She quickly grabbed me into a skull crashing hug. She put me down and I gasped for breath.

"Really?" I said.

"Yep." She said with a innocent smile. I heard laughing behind me and I turned to see a laughing Harry.

"Ready to go?" He said taking my bag in his hands.

"Yep." I said smiling.

We walked out the door and waved at Carmyn. She faked cried and then Harry started the car and we were on are way to our way home. 

The car ride was silent. I stared out the window. Trying to push away a flashback but it came flowing out instead.


Today was the day I have my first date with my best friend, Alex. He told me about his feelings yesterday and so did Micheal, but Micheal didn't ask me for a date. Only Alex. Alex was a year older than me,15. Micheal heard that I was going on a date with Alex and got really jealous. I guess he really likes me.

Me and Alex were having a really great time. I was looking at his eyes. I loved his brown carmel eyes. They were amazing to look at. Even though I was only 14, I think I was to young to go on a date but who is it going to kill.

Alex's eyes shoot up to the direction of the front door. I turned behind me and saw Micheal walk in with his 2 friends. He saw me look at him and he smirked. I shivered.

"Come on Alex lets get out of here."

After Alex had paid. I quickly grabbed his hand and walked out quickly. I looked behind me and Micheal and his friends were behind us.

"Well boys what have we got here." He said smirking. i was clutching on to Alex's hands. i could feel his tension to punch Micheal. 

"What do you what Micheal?" I said stern.

"Oh. Feisty." He said. I felt Alex turn around and walk away. He pulled out his phone. As he was about to call his mom to pick us up, Micheal slapped his phone out of his hand.

"No." He said. 

I gulped and so did Alex.

*End of Flashback*

A tear was about to come out of eyes. There was more than just ruining my love life. He did more. That's why I moved away from where I use to live and moved to Georgia. I begged my parents and then found a good reason to move there and we did. I never saw him for a year. And now he found me and I can't let him find me again. 

I want to be happy with Harry. I want Harry. Out of all the guys I liked I love Harry. Not just because he was the guy I had a crush on for 3 years, because I love his smile. The way he laughs. The way we goof around. The way he holds me. How romantic he his. That's why I love him. He's my everything. I love to ruffle his hair. It's so soft. I love the way he holds me. I love him. I really, truly love him.

As we pulled out to our house. I smiled and quickly ran in. I heard the door close behind me and I felt two hands make there away around my waist. I turned around and saw Harry smiling. I smiled like and idiot and kissed him. Are lips moved together and I put my hands on his neck and played with his hair.

We broke the kiss and I was still smiling like an idiot. 

"Let's go to your room. You can put your stuff in there but you can sleep with me." He said smiling.

"Okay." I said smiling back. 

He took me to my room and then left me to unpack. I sighed as I realized that I have to tell him about Micheal. I went to the bathroom and a tear slipped out. I washed my face and then I put on some sweatpants and Harry's sweater he left in my room.

I took two deep breaths before going downstairs.

"Harry?" I said.

"Yes!" He yelled. I heard it come from the kitchen. I walked over to the kitchen and Harry was making tacos.

"OMG YAY!" I yelled. He laughed and then kissed my check. I quickly forgot about what I need to tell him and watched him make me tacos.

"Alina? Did I ever tell you that you look sexy in my sweater?" He said biting his lip. I blushed ferociously and giggled.

We finished and then washed the dishes together like and old married couple. After we were done, I took his hand and I plopped on the couch. I started to shake as Harry slowly sat next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I felt like the tears would pour out soon. I'm going to tell him. The world won't end..right?

"When I was 14, Micheal had a crush on me. We were young and he said he loved me. I went on a date with another guy named Alex and that was the last of the time I saw him. Micheal's friends had murdered Alex. I looked at Micheal's medical records the next and it said that he's a physio. He had killed his parents and his best friend. He was put in a detention center even though he was only 8."

Tears were already pouring out as Harry pulled me closer to him and I put my head on his chest. " He told me if I fall in love with someone else he'll kill them to and if I tell the cops, that he'll kill me and my family. With so much pressure I cut and tried to kill myself. Micheal laughed when I told him that. One night I tried to kill him in his sleep to end the pain and pressure. He found me before I could do it and raped me." I started to cry more.

" I was only 14. Fucking 14. Then I got pregnant. I never told him. I moved to Georgia to get away from him and I never told my parents since they were never there. I carried that baby for 3 weeks and that's when it kicked me. I was so happy until the next night I started to bleed. The baby died and that's when I lost it. I cut everyday. It got deeper and deeper into my skin and so I went to a hospital to get it fixed because I knew I had to be strong. My baby was likely looking down at me and thinking "why mom why?" Even though I had never wanted a child. I thought it was exiting. Carmyn became my only friend that I trusted even though I was friends with alot people but I only told you and Carmyn about this." I started to take deep breaths.

"I'm scared that your next. That's why i'm telling you now. And your going to most likely break up with me to not get yourself in shit so if you are just say so." I stood up and walked away. 

I felt hands grab my wrist and spin my around. Harry leaned in a kissed me. We moved in sync and he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him.

I kissed him like my life depended on it. Like the world would be gone tomorrow or someone was going to kill us. But someone will. But I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Harry doesn't get hurt.  kow i'm a girl, but i'm powerful. I love Harry. And the only thing that matters now is that I know he loves me.

He loves me.


This isn't real life okay? Her past is not real life :) so please don't think that 

The next update will most likely be on Thursday or Tuesday!

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