|Round 1|CLOSED| Stormroot @TheLadyAvanne

778 28 78

{Names used: Stormcloud, Stormfur, Stormtail}

Grey tabby tom with striking bright green eyes.

He is kind-hearted and very helpful. Although he is a good warrior, his hunting skills isn't the best. However, he still strives for the best for his Clan.

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[1] Stormwing {Warriors-Madness} - None.

[2] Stormheart {20DragonGirl16} - None.

[3] Stormfrost {Smokefeather} - None.

[4] Stormshadow {PaigeNight} - None.

[5] Stormleap {WolfOfTheDawn} - Willing to leap into danger for his Clan.

[6] Stormblaze {Midnightwolf-}  - Eyes are of a blazing green. Blazing with a big heart and helpfulness.

[7] Stormbreeze {Soaringmoon} - None.

[8] Stormstrike {glaceon346} - None.

[9] Stormstripe {wolfy101999} - None.

[10] Stormflight {Echoblaze19} - Represents his eagerness to help others and his kind heart. He treats each cat with friendliness.

[11] Stormleaf {PebbleHeartLove} - Like leaves striving to grow, he strives to help.

[12] Stormpebble {OliviaSmith491} - Pebbles are small, but they can still make a big impact.

[13] Stormroot {TheLadyAvanne} - Strong and rooted firmly in his Clan. Like roots helping the tree grow and survive, he helps his Clan, helping it grow and be strong.

[14] Stormfeather {SilverstarOfStream} - Grey pelt, somewhat like a feather. Represents his not-so-good hunting skills. He is like a feather, falling slowly until he reached his goal when the feather lands.

[15] Stormshade {MarshClan} - Good heart.

[16] Stormspirit {Frostfern10} - Kind heart and determination to do the best for his Clan.

[17] Stormfang {Lurking_HideBehind} - None.

[18] Stormpool {CatGirl200421} - None.

[19] Stormwhisper {zZSilverWingZz} - None.

[20] Stormlake {Ripplenose} - None.


1 - Stormroot {TheLadyAvanne} +2 points

2 - Stormleaf {PebbleHeartLove} +1 point

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