|Round 3|CLOSED| Driftwhisper @TheLadyAvanne

274 19 88

{Names used: None}

Large white she-cat with dark grey and black tabby patches and piercing amber eyes.

She is a serious cat, never laughing and never joking. She takes her tasks seriously, and always does them to the best she cans. She isn't very sociable, but she is kind enough to help those in need. When a difficult situations arises, she will not panic and will find a suitable solution to the problem.

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[1] Driftstream {CloverpawWarriorCats} - Willingness to rush into place when needed.

[2] Driftpool {Frostfern10} - Calm nature like a still pool. Represents her serious personality.

[3] Driftfeather {Bingokittycat} - None.

[4] Driftbloom {KtheButterfly} - Patches.

[5] Driftspots {Bluestar2442} - None.

[6] Driftmoon {skippypaws101} - As calm and quiet as the moon in the night sky. Yet when it is her time to shine, she shines like the moon.

[7] Driftfrost {Soaringmoon} - Serious and stays calm in difficult situations.

[8] Driftsky {AlexaMoore4} - Sky is gentle and serious.

[9] Driftwood {TheCrystalTorch} - Willingness to go straight into action calmly.

[10] Driftstone {TheGreatGadsby} - Personality and intentions never break like stone.

[11] Driftwhisper {TheLadyAvanne} - Quietness and seriousness. Able to come out of the shadows like an unexpected whisper and help those in need.

[12] Driftice {WarriorCatMoon335} - Hard and serious like a thick layer of ice, but when others are in need, she will warm up and crack through her icy wall to help.

[13] Driftwind {willowstarof_skyclan} - Serious nature.

[14] Driftlight {Snowstar2219} - Serious nature.

[15] Driftstripe {JoyBug14} - None.

[16] Driftbark {IamDapplepelt} - Like the bark, she protects her Clan.

[17] Drifttide {runningnose_} - The tide can roll I'm quietly and smash down.

[18] Driftripple {JayfeatherCat7} - Each ripple presents different sides of her.

[19] Driftgaze {PebbleHeartLove} - Piercing eyes always looking. Does not fool around when a cat needs help.

[20] Driftheart {_NightLeaf} - Will help others in need.

[21] Driftfire {Willowmyth} - Eyes.

[22] Driftwish {OliviaSmith491} - As serious and unsociable as wishes. Wishes can rise in desperation like when her Clan needs her.

[23] Driftrock {TheEntireStarClan} - Serious and reliable like a rock.

[24] Driftstep {belovedpicese} - Swift and cunning. Shows her true beauty.

[25] Driftbreeze {BluetigerLps66} - None.

[26] Driftnettle {DoctorPickles1087} - None.

[27] Driftpebble {Blossomstream} - Like a pebble in a stream, she is hard to uproot and will stand her ground willingly.

[28] Driftshade {Duskleap} - None.

[29] Driftstorm {TheFrogg} - None.

[30] Driftplains {SK8ergirl03} - None.


1 - Driftwhisper {TheLadyAvanne} +3 points

2 - Driftstream {CloverpawWarriorCats} +2 points

3 - Driftice {WarriorCatMoon335} +1 point

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