|Round 8|CLOSED| Barkleaf @WarriorCat0731

323 12 143

{Name used: Barkface}

Dark brown tom with green eyes.

He is secretive and mysterious. He is bold, but is secretly afraid of everything. He is a medicine cat apprentice.

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[1] Barkleaf {WarriorCat0731} - Bold and bright like a leaf, yet can be trampled on easily. His green eyes look like leaves. He is a medicine cat apprentice. He can also hide among others, like a leaf in a tree.

[2] Barkheart {WolfishGamer} - Secretive and hides his heart, like how trees cover the centre with bark.

[3] Barkshadow {HeadToPaw} - Secretive and mysterious like a shadow.

[4] Barktwig {pikachulover0927} - None.

[5] Barkpelt {ApplecharmStarhorse} - As if his pelt is dark, he blends in with the trees, creating a mysterious feeling. He looks strong, durable and bold like a bark, but he only looks that way when he is actually afraid of everything.

[6] Barklight {xXCloudsongXx} - Bold. Like light, his fears can be overcome by darkness.

[7] Barkshade {_And-Peggy_} - Mysterious and secretive. He is of a dark colour, like a shadow. He hides his true feelings, like shadows covering the ground.

[8] Barkfang {KiahDavidson} - Keeps to himself often.

[9] Barktwist {OneOnlyChance101} - Personality takes a twist and suddenly he is afraid.

[10] Barkfleet {Brook_in_the_Meadow} - Fast and nimble. Since he is secretly afraid of everything, he is skittish and will run away quickly from terrifying things. However, because he is bold, others may believe he will run headfirst into battle, nimbly dodging the fighting cats to help a wounded cat.

[11] Barkthorn {Seikiatsu} - Many cats are afraid of stepping on thorns. Since he is mysterious, it is like a cat stepping on a thorn, unaware of how they stepped on one.

[12] Barkmask {FanPancake} - When he wears a mask, he is being secretive and mysterious. He hides behind a mask which makes him look bold when he is actually afraid.

[13] Barkwatcher {Jayfeather1114} - Secretive and mysterious personality.

[14] Barkpool {TheLadyAvanne} - Secretive like a deep pool, hiding all of his secrets. As a medicine cat, he would travel to the Moonpool. A pool is dark and secretive and can seem mystical or dangerous to some, but is really just a body of water. It is similar to how he seems bold, yet he really is not.

[15] Barkwillow {GhostTheSnowFox} - Mysterious and lithe.

[16] Barkbreeze {ruddergrl} - Mysterious yet swerving emotions of courage and fear.

[17] Barkhawk {alow0056} - Looks like a hawk.

[18] Barkwing {Stormberry169} - Faces his fears out of compassion and the sake of security.

[19] Barkowl {RainbowSkittlezZz} - Owls are very mysterious and bold. However, they are more fearful of their prey than their prey of them. Mysterious things are barely brought upon important stuff which means owls would barely bring death.

[20] Barkmouse {TheWarriorCatGirl} - Mice may come out boldly for food, but at the slightest sound, it will hide.

[21] Barkfur {Warrior_Cats_FTW} - Pelt looks like bark, and is dark. His pelt blocks his skin, making it look mysterious, just like his personality.

[22] Barkcove {-sparrowsandcrosses-} - Mysterious and bold.

[23] Barkeye {WolfHeart124} - Can walk out boldly, but as soon as he sees something dangerous, he hides. He can spot any injuries any cat may have, no matter how much they try to hide them.

[24] Barkwither {fanfictionhaven} - Many cats 'wither' away from a threat. Withering is a mysterious aspect of life which many cats does not understand.

[25] Barkgaze {acetheoneandonly} - Bold green eyes gazes with secrets and mysteries none has seen before.

[26] Barkberry {NaokiNeko} - Eyes look like unripe berries, and is a medicine cat apprentice. Cats are very wary and scared of berries, as most of them as poisonous and often causes death. Foreign berries are a mystery that medicine cats want to solve.

[27] Barkwisp {Mint779} - Mysterious and secretive.

[28] Barkspirit {RiversongOfRiverclan} - None.

[29] Barkglide {ROTGChildOfTheNight} - None.

[30] Barktail {BuggyBug101} - None.

[31] Barkcloud {ShadowFeather15} - Like a cloud hiding the sun or moon, he can hide his fears. However, a cloud can fade away like his boldness.

[32] Barkfeather {Swiftflower} - Mysterious like a feather.

[33] Barkwhisper {JellieBellie17} - Secretive and quiet. A whisper can be bold, but quiet because afraid to say it aloud.

[34] Barkmist {Luthien04} - Like a mist, he is mysterious. He holds many secrets like a mist.

[35] Barknight {snowfox893} - Hides in the night's shadows and conceals his true identity.

[36] Barkflinch {AliceHightoppHatter} - Jumpy because he is afraid of everything.

[37] Barkshell {AutumnLeopardWing} - Hides in a 'shell' like a crab.

[38] Barkclaw {Sandstorm919} - None.

[39] Barkfrost {Thunderstorm443} - Secretive.

[40] Barksplash {EmilyEvans892} - Splashes water on cats.


1 - Barkleaf {WarriorCat0731} +4 points

2 - Barkfleet {Brook_in_the_Meadow} +3 points

3 - Barkpool {TheLadyAvanne} +2 points

4 - Barkwhisper {JellieBellie17} +1 point

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