Chapter 12

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*Your POV*

When you wake up you find Avi sleeping.  I smile then realize that he is holding a box in his hand I wonder what it is.  I hear the door open then  Kristie walks in and squeals at the sight of me and Avi cuddling.  I smile at her.  "Sorry again for earlier I was just scared and tried and I am ranting ant I?" I say as I look down at the ground and frown.  I feel Avi start to shift so I cuddle closer and he smiles in his sleep.   "Its fine sweetie we get it but um you might want to calm F\N down she has tried to strangle Scott 50 times in the last hour. We had to take drastic measures and tie her up."  She says guiltily. "Get her in here before she cuts through the rope and successes in killing Scott please!"  Her eyes widen and she runs and brings F\N in to the room and when she sees me and Avi she looks at me with the I-Know-You-Like-him look and I just frown at her.  "Please stop trying to kill Scott or I will tell Kevin."  I say and she instantly goes pale.  "You wouldn't."  "try me."  "Then I will tell Avi." She says with a smirk. "Go ahead I don't care."  I lie and F\N doesn't believe me for a second.  "Uh huh suuuuure you don't" She says.  "Don't you dare wake him or I will tell Kevin by putting it on every social media account I own." "Ok you win Y\N I won't wake up Avi or try to kill Scott anymore." F\N squeaks out. I smile and cuddle up to Avi till I can hear his heart beat.  I smile and start to fall asleep again unaware of Kristie and F\N freaking out about the smile that broke out on Avis face when I cuddled up against him.  *Knock, Knock* I whip my head around and growl at the door as it opens to show Mitch.  I calm down but whisper "Don't you dare wake him" Mitch smiles and nods.  "Hey anyone know what that box is over there?" I ask as I gesture towards the box with my eyes.  "Probably a gift for someone I don't know who though we all got our gifts from him." Kristie says. "I haven't gotten a gift from him yet. Its probably cuse he doesn't like me at all." I say trying not to cry but Mitch strides toward me and Avi and picks my head up as much as he can with out disturbing Avi. "He cares about you more than you know. Watch." "Mitch don't wake him up got it."  "Ya I hope this doesn't wake him." He says worried.  

*Mitches POV* Surprise!!

I make my way over to Y\N and Avi as I slowly pull out a fork.  'Please don't wake up Avi.'  I pray silently as I poke Y\N with the fork and she whimpers.  "Don't fucking touch her" Avi mumbles.  ' Great now hopefully he will talk in his sleep again'  "Avi, wheres Y\N I though you where watching her?" I ask softly. "Mitch where is she? Find her! I can't lose her got it!!"  He mumbles\shouts.  I Push Y\N into his chest more and he wraps his arms around her kinda tight and mumbles, "I will always protect you got it?" And kisses the top of her head before falling into a deep sleep again.  "That proof enough honey he likes you more than you know and umm don't tell him he will kill me please?" I say to Y\N, F\N, and Kristie.  "OK" They all say at the same time.  Avi starts to stir so Y\N starts to sing to him. 

*Your POV*

I am honestly surprised when Mitch did that.  I am still red as a firetruck though from Avi kissing my head.  I feel him start to stir and I start to softly sing to him.  He calms down and just hugs me closer.  Mitch, Kristie, And the still hostage F\N smile and leave F\N being carried out by Mitch.  When the door closes I feel Avi wake up.  "Hey how did you sleep Avi?"  "Good till the end. I had a slight nightmare. Nothing big though." He says waving it off. " How did you sleep?"  "I slept good." I said shyly. He looked over at the box and smiles. He grabs it and gives it to me. "Here this is for you."  I open it and its a dragon necklace with matching earrings, ring, and bracelet. (Photo of necklace below. All items have this dragon on it.) 

I stare at it speechless

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I stare at it speechless.  "I get it you don't like it."  He says with a frown.  "No Avi I love it. Help me put it on please." He smiles and puts on my necklace while I put on the bracelet and then the earrings after the necklace is hooked.  "How do I look?" I ask and turn around.  "You look........... to beautiful for words." He says.  I smile and we head out to where the food is.  We get there and I see F\N tied up even more and surprise Scott is tied up to while Mitch, Kristie, and Kevin all sit on the opposite side of the room glaring at them.  "F\N didn't you say you wouldn't try to kill Scott anymore?"  "She tried to Kill Scott what for?" Avi asks.  "What he said earlier." I answer while glaring at F\N.  "Do I have to tell Kevin now F\N?"  I say. "Tell me what?" Kevin asks.  "Nothing" F\N quickly says. "Are we all missing something?" everyone but the girls and Mitch ask.  "No its a girl thing." Me, F\N, Mitch, And Kristie say.  "well F\N do I?"  "No he deserved it." F\N growls.  "F\N You promised me."  I said slightly hurt. "What did he even do?"  "He said the 4 words that you instantly hate hearing."  F\N says with a pointed look.  "He also said the 3 words you would die if you heard."  I look at Scott and he looks scared.  I look up and Avi just looks confused while the rest are glaring at him.  "He was going to prank you by saying Dragons aren't real," Mitch begins and I instantly tense and glare at him with so much hatred and F\N gasped.  "Y\N calm down don't get to worked up you know what happens when you do."  F\N says kind sacred.  "Mitch please continue." I say calmly.  "Avi?" "Yes F\N?" I hear him ask. "Grab her wrists and don't let go till I say please." "Why?" "Just do it."  "OK" I feel him grab my wrists.  "Ok Mitch you may continue." F\N sates. Mitch clears his throat.  "If that didn't work he was going to take Avi out of the room and lock him in a closet and tell you 'Avi is dead.' and see what your reaction was."  Mitch says using finger quotations around the Avi is dead part.  I feel myself tense and F\N gasps.  "Avi hold her tight trust me now!!!" F\N says panicking.  He does so probably because he has never seen F\N so scared.

*Avis POV*

I do as F\N tells me and not even a second later I feel Y\N struggling against my hold. 'when did Y/N get this strong' I think as I struggle to hold her I hear F\N gasp and I look down and Y\N is looking at Scott and the others are pressed up against the wall shaking.  'Why are they all huddled against the wall?'  I look at F\N and even she is terrified.  I wonder why.  "Avi hold her tighter she is getting free and we can't let her get free when she is in this state." F\N says.  "This state what *Pant* do you mean?" She just looks at Y\N and Gasps.

And I'm gonna stop here.  Love you all my little shadows. Is it ok if I call you little Shadows? 

Shadow =)

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