Chapter 8

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Hey people!! Sorry for not updating for awhile but hey here I am back!!! 


*Your POV*

After the show I Grab F\N and go to the door that leads back-stage. We get to the door but the security stops us.  "I'm sorry girls but if you do not have a backstage pass you can not enter."  He says with a frown.  I Frown back. "But Avi said to  meet him backstage and bring my friend with me. Can we please come in  now?"  I ask.  "I'm sorry girls but I can do one thing I can go and get Mr. Kaplan and maybe he can clear this up."  he says sadly then goes to find Avi.  I frown and go back to F\N.  "Girls?" I hear behind me.  I turn around with F\N in front of me.  "Yes?" F\N asks. "Follow me and sorry for the inconvenience." he says. "Its OK" i tell him with a smile.  He opens the door and leads us to Avi's dressing room and knocks on the door.  "Mr. Kaplan, I have the two girls you have requested to see." I hear the group laugh.  Avi comes and opens the door and says "Thank you bob."  The newly dubbed bob nodded and ran back to his post.  " Hi guys." I wave shyly.  "HEY GUYS OMDL I CANT BELIEVE I AM HERE!!!" F\N yelled.  They all covered there ears and I just laugh. "F\N calm down." I say trying not to laugh.  They all looked at me, "Y\N How did you not go deaf?"  Scott asked me. I look at him " I live with her Scott. I am used to it." I say with a smirk.  "Oh ya I forgot." he says sheepishly.  I look around "Hey where did Avi and Kevin go?" I ask confused.  "Oh they left just a little bit ago." Kristie says with a smile. "oh ok." I say. " hey girls want to play a prank on Avi and Kevin?" Scott and Mitch ask at the same time. "Ohhhh I do!!" Kristie yells. "I'm in" F\N says. "sure why not as long as thy wont hate me after." "OH trust me they won't. Kristie you know what to do with Y\N to get her ready for Avi and Mitch you take F\N and get her ready we are gonna need her help." Scott says. Kristie nods and pulls me  her dressing room.  She opens her portable closet that has a bunch of outfits in it.  She pulls out a gorgeous out fit but its a bit revealing.  "Kristie what are we doing in this "Prank" i'm not sure Avi and Kevin are going to like it. " I state. Kristie just grins and pushes me to the bathroom to change.

Hey guys sorry for the cliffhanger.  Oh wait no I'm not. Well I'll see you later. Sorry for it being such a short chapter to.


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