Chapter 7

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f\s = Favorite song

* Your POV*

I get home about 10 minutes of jamming out to pentatonix. When I get into the apartment I see F\N staring at a calendar. "F\N? Are you ok??" I ask worried about her. She just nods and points to the calendar. I gasp. It is only a week away till the concert. "Ok but why are you freaking out so bad about this I mean we just meet the band." I ask confused. She frowns then points at the counter. I walk over and see our tickets. "So???" I ask. "I could only get row G seats 12 and 13. Look at the tickets and the seats." I roll my eyes and look again. ' Row A Seats 3 and 4' I read wait..... "F\N where did you get these??" I ask nervously. She hands me a letter trying not to freak.

'Dear Y/N and F/N,

Please take these tickets as a sorry for making your lives horrible. I should have taken better care of Y/N but everyone makes mistakes. If you guys are reading this then I am probably either in the hospital or dead I am sorta sorry. F/N take good care of my Y/N OK? Don't let anyone hurt her. At least not as I hurt her. I'm .... proud of you Y/N and you to F/N. You must be happy to not having to worry about me anymore and don't worry I gave this to your mom and well she is sorry to but she said as soon as this is delivered she will forget your address and not hurt you.

Love Matt.'

"F\N." "Yes Y\N?" "Burn it. Burn it now." "With pleasure." she states as she heads toward the fire. "Hey F\N? What are we going to do about the other tickets?" " OH you mean the ones that he cancelled apparently?" "How did he cancel them?" "I have no idea but I am getting a new computer." She says. I smile at her and she smiles back.

*timeskip to day of concert*

"F\N help me pick out an outfit please?" "Of course giiiiiirrrrllll!!!!!" "Thanks. Music?" "Duh but you pick." she winks at me. I smirk and put on her least favorite song. "Y\N TURN THAT SHIT OFF RIGHT NOW BEFORE I SHOOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "OK fine." I choose f\s. "Oh ya that's the shit!" she yells as she picks out my outfit. "Oh Avi's gonna love you in this." she says as she pulls out an outfit I haven't worn in years. "F\N I am not trying to impress Avi. " I try to say but she cuts me off. " You love him girl he calmed and put you back to sleep when you started to stir. Don't you want to be the chair girl??" She asks while smirking at me. I feel my face heat up. "Yes and No. I mean I want have Scott Dance on me but you would love that wouldn't you dear??" I tease her. She blushes. "Shut up. So I like Scott is that such a crime??" "I guess not I just like teasing you that's all." I smirk " Oh fine you gonna be that way, You are wearing this and I am doing your hair and makeup." I feel the color leave my face. "Fine but please nothing to big ok?" "OK i won't trust me?" "Always" I say with a smile as I change into my outfit. Surprisingly it still fit wonderfully I go into the bathroom and sit on the stool that F\N has set up. "Close" she tells me and I close my eyes as I feel her do her thing. It feel's like forever but she is finally done. "OK you can open them" I open my eyes and gasp. I have perfect cat eyes and red lips. My hair is curled and showing my H\C hair. "Oh my Dragons F\N you are amazing! But how are my lips so red you didn't put anything on my lips." "They did that themselves." she says with a shrug. I just look at my phone. "OMD F\N we have to leave we gonna be late!!" I yell freaking I run to my room grab my purse and run to the car with F\N right behind me.

*Time skip to concert!!*

We make it with 10 minutes to get to our seats. We run in give our tickets to the ticket collectors and run to our seats. I am so excited that I can barely sit still. Then the lights dim and they come out and start there intro. Me and F\N are jumping up and down screaming and singing along the whole concert. It finally comes time to pick the chair girl. Avi whispers to Scott and well Scott looks surprised but lifts up his mike. " Avi says that he himself is going to get the chair girl so they must be really lucky. I feel my face drop. Then I feel myself being picked up. I Smell Avi's cologne and instantly relax into his arms but fangirling majorly. He carry's me up on to stage. He picks up his mike and asks me "well beautiful what is your name?" winking. "Well handsome it's Y\N." I say back. He looks surprised the asks " Well then can we sing to you?" "One second let me ask me." I wait a Few seconds and then smirk I decide to take Avis line. "She said yes" I say onto the mike. Everyone on stage breaks down in laughter. Avi super-frowns then smirks. "Oh Esther can you bring me my hat??" I look confused as he walks off then comes back second later and I almost die. He has his cowboy hat on. "OK lets do this." They start into Lets get it on. I slowly die as Scott and Avi dance on me then do there body rolls. The song comes to an end. I get up and hug everyone. Kristie first, Then Kevin, Mitch, Scott and then Avi. "Come back stage at the end oh and bring F\N." He whispers then lets me go. I go back to my seat confused then tell F\N we have to go backstage after the show.

*Avis POV*

We start to get ready for the show I peak out and see Y\N and F\N in the crowd. My attention snaps back to Y\N. Holy shit she looks hot. Wait I didn't say that out loud did I? I look around "Nope apparently not." I get into my position for the show. We do our intro then its finally time for the chair girl. I run over to Scott. " Dude I am going into the crowd and carrying the girl up here ok?" He looks confused but I gesture with my head towards Y\N and F\N He nods and tells the audience. I come up behind Y\N and lift her up and she tenses then relax's in my arms. I bring her up onto stage. I pick up my mike and ask "Well beautiful whats your name?" while winking. "Well handsome it's Y\N" I am surprised she called me handsome but I called her beautiful so I guess its even. "Well then can we sing to you?" "One second let me ask me." I am confused but let her do it. I see her smirk oh no this can't be good. "She said yes." she says taking my line. Everyone laughs. I super-frown then get an idea. "Oh Esther can you bring me my hat??" she nods and pulls my cowboy hat out I walk off and grab it and put it on and walk back on stage. "OK Lets do this" I say. We start the song and I can see her slowly die as we dance on and in front of her. The song ends and she hugs everyone me last. "Come backstage at the end oh and bring F\N" I whisper to her then let her go and she goes back to her seat and tells F\N as we finish the show up.

Hey Guys! Well I hope you like this chapter and please let me know if I am doing something wrong. Thanks. Love you all.


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