Chapter 36

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*Your POV*

"What do you mean by 'I might not like your reaction?' I loved it last time." I say and smirk as I hear Avi choke on his own saliva. I laugh as he coughs and looks at me flustered. "I am never going to understand you or Esther am I?" He asks just as the others walk out. "What do you mean by that Avi?" Mitch and Scott ask in unison. "Just something I said. I can tell you all later." I say and Avi grips my shoulder and turns pale. "Can you not dragon? Please? Its bad enough Kevin knows." Avi whispers and I look at Kevin and mouth a quick sorry. He looks at me and I decide to be a bitch and shout. "Oh Kevin knows does he?? Maybe he can tell us what I said and why you are freaking out." everyone turns to a gut bursting laughing and rolling on the ground  Kevin which must have looked wired to onlookers nearby. "O-oh l-let me guess..... VS?" Kevin asks and I just nod and the girls catch on and look at Avi and Kevin then Esther looks at Kevin and speaks up. "Kevin you are telling us everything, and if it is what I think it is I am going to have a talk with lover boy over here." Esther says and Avi starts to walk to the car and grabs his bag and wallet. "I will meet you all back at the house. I will be locked in my room hiding." Avi says before running off. We all pile into the car and Kevin begins the story.  (I'll just include it in case anyone forgot. It was a while ago.) "Well we went the mall all of us except Esther and Kristie and pulled the girls apart.  Avi and I got Y\N while Scott and Mitch got F\N. We each pulled the girls around to the stores that we wanted to go to and I guess the girls had enough and decide they were going to the store they wanted to. That store happened to be Victoria Secret and I guess they both had it in there minds to torcher Avi and I. Mitch and Scott kinda just sat in there giving there advice. Avi got Very  'Excited' and crossed his legs. Then the girls stepped it up a notch and tried on swimsuits. After about two swim suits Avi had to run to the bathroom and I followed because he was taking forever and we were getting worried. Turns out 'little Avi' Decided to come out and play. Me and him had a quick discussion on his feelings for Y\N and I left. He came out about ten minutes later." Kevin says reciting the story with surprising amount of accuracy to the bathroom part I didn't know about that and then me and F\N looked at each other. "We have something to confess." F\N and I say at the same time. They all look at F\N and I and we take a deep breathe. "We planned the Victoria Secret visit but not Avi getting all..... Excited."I say with F\N giggling a lot so they almost didn't understand me. "YOU PLANNED THAT!?!?!" The boys yelled and me and F\N nod sheepishly.  "I didn't plan on Avi getting excited or him even liking me in the first place." I explain and they all look at me like I grown two heads. "Why would he not love you? You are literally perfect but you need a bit of help with your concealer." They say and I look at the two who suggested that I was wearing makeup with a look of disgust and F\N laughs. "She doesn't wear make up. " F\N says and I look at them with a glare, "Never have Never will." I say and they all look at me then Mitch screams. "YOU DON'T WEAR MAKEUP? YOU ARE LITERALLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL I HAVE EVER SEEN!! No offence Esther and Kristie." I look at all of them and they all stare back.  "I also am a nobody, ugly, potato." I say and Kevin pulls into the driveway and they all push me back into the seat and glare at me. "If we ever hear you say that again we will kill you." Kristie threatens and I start to laugh hysterically. "Good luck with that." I tell them and jump out of the car and walk into the house.  "AVRIEL BENJAMIN KAPLAN YOU HAVE GOT SOME EXPLAININ' TO DO!" Esther yells up the stairs and a hear a muffled 'man' scream. We all chuckle and I go to my room. "Dragon you have got to help me!" I hear a yell from my door. "Nope sorry I am busy. Love you bassman." I say and I hear him wine then squeak and his door slam. I chuckle and put my stuff away and get my laptop out.

*Avi POV*

"Avi you better open this door." I hear Esther sing-song through my door. "No you just gonna yell at me." I say in the voice that I used to use with her to get out of trouble when I was little. "Sorry bro that doesn't work on me anymore now open this door. OR no more tours for you." My eyes widen and run to the door and unlock it and hide. "Its unlocked." I squeak and Esther enters and instantly walks to were I am hiding. "Come on we are gonna have a talk." She says and I jump out of my closet. "How long did you know you liked Y\N?" She asks and I look at her. "I am honestly I have no idea I think I liked her from the start but I hid it because I didn't know what this feeling was." I answer.  "What would happen if I said me, you and Y\N are going shopping and I choose the store?" She asks and I nod. "I would be ok with that as long as it isn't Victoria Secret." I say looking down in embarrassment. "Hey did you know that Y\N noticed that day but didn't think it was because it was her?" She asks and I look at her. "Why did she think  it wasn't her?" I ask and Esther says  what Y\N said in the car and I was surprised to hear that Y\N didn't wear make-up.  "Damn she is really beautiful." I say and Esther nods. "Now come on we are going shopping." She pulls me to Y\N's room and swings the door open and goes over and pulls her head phones out. "Come on they can sing for you later right now we are going shopping. Just me, You and Avi. And I am picking the store." Esther says and Pulls her out of bed and grabs My wrist again and pulls us out side. "ME, Y\N. and Avi are going swimsuit shopping. Call us if you need us." Esther yells.  There is only one though gong through my head, 'Shit this is going to be a long shopping trip and a very uncomfortable one.'

*Your POV*

'Oh no I have to see Avi shirtless! This is going to be a very long and uncomfortable trip yet It could be fun to get little Avi to come and play again.'  'Don't think like that Y/N Esther is with you this time and really? What is it with you and little Avi! You may be 26 but that is inappropriate to be thinking when Esther is here. Its ok when you are alone but not now.'  'Oh fine. I can't help it! Its Avi . Shirtless. Oh man I am gonna die.'

Hey everyone! I got a second chapter up!! Again any mistakes are the sicknesses fault and I might be updating early tomorrow to it depends on if I am still sick. I still love you all my little shadows. Till the next chapter Bye!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!


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