Chapter 44

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*Your POV*

I hug Avi close as I cry into his shirt not to far behind I feel Avis tears on my head. "I missed you dragon. I missed you so much." Avi says and hugs me close. 'He really does love me. I thought it was all a lie.' 'I told you it wasn't a lie.' 'Oh shut up.' I look up at Avi and give him a kiss. I feel him smile and kiss back. We break apart right before the Doctor looks up. "Mr. Kaplan, I see you have noticed that your girlfriend has returned. That and you are allowed to go home today just rest as much as possible." The doctor says with a smile and Kevin leaves with him to sign Avi out and Avi just holds me close. "Dragon Why did you leave without talking to us?" He asks and I sigh. "I thought you would just lie to me but now I know that it was just Samantha trying to steal my dragon from me and that was not going to happen on my watch." I say turning Dark for just a second. Avi just rubs my back in a soothing way. I calm down just as the others come back in pushing a wheel chair. I hear Avi hiss and growl at the sight of it. "I am not getting into that thing." Avi says and I make him look at me. "You are going to get in that thing or no more kisses." I tell him and his eyes go wide. "I'd like to get in it now please." Avi says and I get off him and Kevin being the second strongest next to Avi, Picks him up and puts him in the wheelchair. "Can I get a kiss now?" He asks pouting up at me. "I guess so but you have to promise to be a good boy till we get home." I tell him and he nods. "Ok then you can have a kiss." I tell him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright guys lets get him home." I say while looking into Avi's eyes. Kevin turns Avi around and pushes him to the car.


We get home and I follow Kevin in to Avis room. "Kevin I am fine I need to get up." Avi says and I push him back into the bed. "Nope the doctor said you have to relax and rest." I say as I curl up beside him. He groans but wraps his arms around me and starts to tickle my sides. "No matter how much you try that is not going to work." I say and he stops and chuckles. "Fine dragon we can sit here and cuddle then." Avi says and he pulls me closer. We slowly fall asleep content in each others arms.


I call Andrew and he doesn't answer. I smile it had to have been him that contacted Y\N and told her Avi was in the hospital. I wonder when he is going to ask her to marry him after all it has been a year now. ' You should go and ask him. After Y\N leaves or falls asleep of course.' 'that's a great Idea!' I smile and head upstairs and open Avis door only to find him and Y\N cuddling and fast asleep. "Awwwww I can ask him later." I say and back out the door and go to Kevin who is standing by the couch. "Kevin can we cuddle?" I ask him and Kevin nods. "Sure F/N we can cuddle come here." Kevin says and opens his arms. I smile run and jump onto his back. He chuckles at me and grabs onto my legs. He takes me to the couch to sit down but Mitch and Scott we currently cuddling and sleeping on it. I giggle quietly and Kevin just heads up to our shared room. "Hey F/N?" Kevin says sounding nervous. "Yes honey?" I say looking at him with innocent eyes even though I am anything but innocent. "Do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow?" Kevin asks and I smile wide and nod. "Duh! J would love to! I need Y/N help with my out fit and all but hey that can be arranged. Where are we going?" I ask and Kevin just laughs at me. "What?" I ask and Kevin just looks at me. "You are adorable when you get worked up." He tells me and I blush and look at my feet. Kevin just walks over lifts my chin and gives me a kiss. I smile into the kiss and kiss him back. We break the kiss and lay in the bed and cuddle falling asleep soon after.

*Your POV*
I wake up in Avi's arms and I smile and cuddle closer into his chest. His arms tightened around me and his soft snores stop for a quick second. ' His snores are adorable and I wish I could spend the rest of my life with him. But I am not sure if I am ready.' I look at Avi and smile. 'Although I wouldn't mind if Avi asked I would say yes' I think and smile to myself. Avi starts to stir and I snuggle closer to him. He opens his eyes and looks down at me. "Hey your awake. I didn't wake you right?" He asks with concern in his voice. "No you didn't wake me Avi. I was just being a creeper and watching you sleep." I tell him with a straight face and he looks at me with a smile on his face. "You may be a creeper but you are my creeper." He tells me and hugs me close. I smile and hug him close. "And you a render my dragon." I tell him and he looks at me. "Do you want to go to dinner with me this saturday?"

Hey all my little shadows this is the next chapter and I will see you in the next chapter bye! I LOVE YOU ALL!!


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