Chapter 13

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*Avis POV*

I am having trouble holding Y\N so she doesn't kill Scott.  'Seriously when did she get this strong? AND WHY IS NO-ONE HELPING ME?!?!?!'  "Y\N AVI'S NOT DEAD HE IS BEHIND YOU CALM DOWN!!"  F\N yells.  She still shakes in fear. I look at her questionably.  "She was never this far gone before.  Her eyes are Black Avi.  That has never happened before."  I just gasp in surprise but then just hug her and turn her around and make her look at me.  I gasp again as I look into her eyes.  They were dark as coal and her iris has disappeared.  "Y\N look at me, I am right here I'm not dead and I won't be in a long time please come back to us."  I say softly as I look into her eyes.  I see her calm down some and not struggle as much.  "And dragons are the best things ever and they DO. EXIST." I say in my deep tone and she calms down and her eyes turn back into her normal ones.  I let her go and she slowly turns around and see's everyone scared.  She instantly turns around shoves past me and runs away

*Your POV*

"Y\N come back!" I hear Avi yell but I ignore him and just run faster.  'Why  did that have to happen today ? What was that? what made that happen?'  I think to myself as I run to the closest Starbucks I could find.  I quickly ordered cappuccino.  "Damn it Mitch, Why did you have to get me hooked on these things?" I mumble to myself.  I thank the cashier and go to the farthest booth away from the door.  I hide in the shadows and watch the door.  'Any minute now'  I think silently.  The door burst open and in rushes Avi. 'Right on time'  I sigh.  Avi runs to the cashier and starts to talk to her rushed.  I look at his appearance. 'Even when he is worried and scared he is still handsome.'   I think. The cashier then points to the booth I am sitting in and Avi breathes a sigh of relief.  He thanks her and runs towards me.  "Never run off again please I have been worried sick." He says. I Look at him confused. "I-I mean we have been worried sick, but mostly me because of what happened earlier." He explains.  Darn I got my hopes up for nothing he will never like me like that.

*Avis POV*

I slightly blush and look away after I finish my little 'speech'  as I look away but as I look away I see Y\N look disappointed.  'Why does she look so disappointed?  Was it something I said? I'll have to find that out later. Right now I have to get her back to F/N'  I think as I internally debate about how I will get her to go back to the studio.  I see her sadly frowning to herself.  I frown then I get an idea its stupid and if I were to do it to Mitch and Scott they would kill me.  I smile and grab her cappuccino "Hey Avi give that back I am not in the mood for this." She says looking down at the table. "Nope you have to catch me first."  And I take off running with her drinky-thingy.  "AVRIEL BENJAMIN KAPLAN!!! YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE WITH MY CAPPUCCINO RIGHT KNOW!!!!!!!!!" Y\N roars after me.  I find Kevin and gave him the beverage. "Kevin take this and run as fast as you can till you reach the studio and whatever you do, do not stop got it?" "Why dude- Holy shit! bye Avi I will attend your funeral."  He says as he take off running screaming like a little girl.  "OH crap she is coming behind me isn't she?" I turn around and sure enough there is Y\N Parting the crowd like they were the red sea. My eyes widen and I take off running and I don't stop till I reach the studio.  I put the cappuccino down on the table and hide in a closet. Y\N storms in and sees the cappuccino.  She grabs it and I see Mitch lock the door Knowing full well I was in there.  "MITCHELL COBY MICHAEL GRASSI!!! UNLOCK THE DOOR NOW!! F\N!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Then she stops and looks towards the closet in which I am hiding.  She starts to take her knife out and screams "YOU BETTER UNLOCK THE DOOR OR AVI GETS IT!!!" I pale instantly and try and hide even deeper into the closet.  *CLICK* I hear the door unlock.  I breathe a sigh of relief.  "Geez what did he do to you?" I hear Scott ask. "He stole my cappuccino and ran off with it." I hear a gasp of disbelief.  "He knows better that that Y\N." I hear Mitch say. "It's true guys I did take it and run off with it." I say sheepishly as I come out of my hiding place.  Y\N looks at me you were in there? I thought you were out there with Mitch and them." I raise my eyebrow.  "Then why did you threaten me Y\N?" I ask but she grabs her drink and runs out again. But this time she runs into F\N.  "F\N take me home now please. I just want to go home."  Y\N says on the brink of tears. "OK See you guy later. " F\N says with a frown. "No we won't F\N they have to leave to get to there concert in (State far away). They have to leave tonight."  "Oh ya well, bye guys forever I guess." F\N says sadly.  Y\N just walks out to the car sadly.  F\N shakes her head and runs up to Kevin.  "Hey Kevin can I do something quick?" F\N asks. "sure I guess as long as its not gonna kill anyone." He replies.  She goes on her tiptoes and kisses him.  Then she breaks the kiss and runs away.  "What just happened?" Kevin asked.  "F\N just kissed you Kevin then ran away."  Kristie says and glares at me then looks at the ground.  "I'm gonna miss them." And everyone agrees. Everyone but me.  I had run away and locked myself in the bathroom and no one seemed to notice or care. I feel a tear run down my face and then another. 'What have I done?'  

*Your POV*

'What did I just do?'   

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