Chapter 34

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*Avi POV*

'Did she really just return my feelings? I thought she would never like me!! Oh please let this not be a dream.' I think as a smile breaks out upon my face and I jump up and give her a big hug. I know that I have l at least kissed her forehead but not anything else so I was extremely nervous. I was saved by my phone alarm alerting me that it was time for horseback riding with Y\N. "Ready for your surprise?" I ask and she looks at me with surprise. "That wasn't my surprise?" She asks and I chuckle. "Nope now come on, We have somewhere else to be." I say and pull her along by her hand. She giggles and follows then stops. "Avi isn't the car this way?" Y\N asks as a lady pulls up along side us and waves us in. "Come on in Mr. Kaplan. I will drive you the rest of the way there. My name is Marilyn." Marilyn says and I pull Y\N into the cart. We head off but we don't get very far before Y\N is pulled off the cart. "Hey!! Let go of my girlfriend!" I shout starting to go dark until I hear the men groaning. 'Wait MEN?!' I whirl around only to see Y\N standing there with  her knife. "Y\N are you ok?" I ask still somewhat dark and she turns to me her eyes full of hatred and fear.

*Your POV*

I feel myself be tugged off the cart and hear Avi yell but I can't understand it. I pull out my knife. I attack the men and when I am done I hear Avi ask me if I was ok. 'No I am not ok I was just attacked. Please come and hug me and comfort me.' I say nothing and he runs to me. "Avi can we just go home? I don't feel so well." I say and pass out.

*Avi POV*

"Y\N? Y\N!!! Wake up please I can't lose you now!" I cry and I hear Marilyn on the phone with the hospital. "Please be ok Y\N I can't live without you." I say starting to cry. The paramedics arrive and pull me away from Y\N. I start to fight back "You have to let me ride with her I am her boyfriend! Please!" I yell and they shake there head and shut the door in my face. I growl and run to my car and drive to the hospital and run to the front desk. "I need the room number for a Y\N L\N." I say hurriedly and she looks at me. "Sir, I can not let you see her right now she is currently getting checked for a head injury. You are welcome to stay in the waiting room if you would like. I can come and get you when you can see her." She says and I glare at her but nod. I walk to the waiting room and call the others.

Phone conversation

A: Guys you need to come to the hospital.


K: Mitch calm down.

A: Y\N was almost kidnapped out of a moving cart and she hit her head but she still took out 3 guys in a matter of 2 minutes.

F: That's Y\N for ya..... We will be there in 10.


I look at the phone and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump and spin around and notice its just the nurse from earlier and she nods at me. She is in room 210. She is still sleeping so be careful. " she says and nods at me. "Thanks." I smile at her weakly and run off towards her room and I notice Y\N laying on the bed and I walk over with tears in my eyes. "Oh Y\N I am so sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." I say as I start to cry I grab her hand and vow then and there that I wasn't going to move until she woke up.

*Scott POV*

I am everyone appointed hug man apparently. I don't minds it so much coming from Mitch as I carry him out to the car. The only one calm enough to drive is Kristie and she is a sobbing mess. We start to slowly drive to the hospital and we get to it about 10 minutes later. "Hi we are here to see a miss Y\N L\N." I say as the nurse looked at me. "You must be the rest of the group that Y\N's boyfriend keeps mumbling about. Follow me." 'Y/N's boyfriend? Who could that be?' I think as we walk to Y\N's room only to find Avi sitting next to her holding her hand. "I look from Avi to Y\N and back to Avi. "Yo Avi you ok there Bro?" Kevin asked and Avi looks at us with pitch black eyes.


Alrighty then I am sorry guys for the shorter chapter than all the others this is only like 850 words so again I am sorry. Well I will see you all later! Bye my little shadows LOVE YOU!!

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