Chapter 22

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*Your POV*

I wake up and glance at the clock. 'Its noon? why didn't anyone wake me?'  I think as I climb out of bed. I look around and head down stairs. 'Oh thats why no one is awake. Maybe I should wake them?'  I grin and call Krisite. 

K: Hello?

Y: Hey Kristie how are you feeling?

K: OK A little better but not to be rude but why are you calling?

Y: How do you wake everyone up when they need to think they are late?

K: Why

Y: Cuse I need to wake them and I don't know how.

K: Oh thats easy are they in seperate rooms?

Y: NO they are all in my living room.

K: Even better take pans and bang them together if that doesn't work then go dark and yell don't touch him. I'm sure at least Avi will wake up to that.

Y: Thanks Krist. Now go back to bed and get better I say this because I love you.

K: OK Y\N I will talk to you later

Kristie hangs up. I smile and grab the pans. I bring them to the living room and bang them together. No one stirs. They all grunt and cuddle closer to there cuddle things. Kevin to F\N and vise versa for F\N. Mitch to Scott and vise versa. Avi to a stuffed dragon. I sigh and put the pans down. I think of Avi about to be grabbed and turn dark and screamed so loud and low that the house shook. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM YOU BASTARD OR I WILL RIP YOUR LIMBS OFF ONE BY ONE!!!"  It works everyone shoots up and Avi runs over an instantly hugs me. I calm down and our neighbors yell at us to keep it down. "SORRY NEIGHBORS!" F\N yells. They just grumble an response. We all laugh and I let go of Avi but he doesn't let go. "Um Avi you can let go now." I get a snore in response. He fell asleep calming me and standing. "Yo Kev. I need a little help here." I say seeing how he lives with him he would know how to wake him the best. He smiles and walks over to us. He licks his finger and sticks it in Avis ear. Avi shifts in discomfort but doesn't wake. Kevin takes his finger out and then picks up the pans. He takes then right next to Avis head while F\N hands you her soundproof headphones. Kevin bangs the pans together near Avis ear and Avi jumps a foot in the air. I Take the headphones off just in time to hear Avi start to complain. " Keeeeevvvvvviiiiinnnnn I was having a good dream and what did I say about putting your fingers in my ears if nothing else works you are to tickle me and I will awaken." He says. After hearing that he is ticklish I raise me arms and run my fingers along his sides. "EEEEEKKKK! Don't tickle me!!" He shrieks like a girl and pushes me away. Everyone laughs. I look at F\N and we nod. "FOOD SOMEONE MAKE US FOOD!" we yell and they all run to the Kitchen to make food. Avi makes bacon, Mitch makes Pancakes, Scott makes hash browns, While Kevin makes the best thing ever the milk and by make I mean he is pouring it into glasses. Me and F\N sit down in the living room and make our crushes\boyfriend carry us into the dining room. We dig in and instantly fall in love with there cooking. 

*Avi POV*

I eat my breakfast and then go to get dressed. 'Why did you say you were ticklish in front of everyone including Y/N?' 'I don't know maybe cuse I was just rudely interrupted from a rather pleasant dream and forgot I was holding her.' 'Well I think she is going to use that to her best advantage.' 'I think so too but I have another question is it just me or was she a bit off this morning?' 'Yes but I wouldn't ask her you know how girls are. Well girls and Mitch.'  I shake the thought off and get dressed. I go downstairs to see Y\N about to burst in excitement and I see Scott and Mitch eating each others faces off.  I shake  my head and take Y\N's hand. I blush at the thought of holding her hand but try to not let her see my blush. "Aww Avi you are blushing its so cute and ...... forget I said anything." She said. "Avi can you sing for me? I am feeling a bit down so I need a pick me up." She asks. "Ya no problem I noticed you we a bit off this morning but I thought it was because you just woke up." I admitted.  I start to hum and she starts to calm down. I take her to the park and we climb to our favorite branches. "I used to go here when I need to escape and that was often. Esther came to get me after a couple of hours but I was never on my branch. I never wanted anyone to know about this place but It seems you already have." I admit with a chuckle. 

*Your POV*

"Avi can I tell you something?" I ask. "Ya anything" He replies. "You see that tree over there?" I say pointing to a tree. "Ya what about it?" He asks. "Watch." I say as I get up and climb a few more branches. I grab a rope that  I tied to the trunk one day. I tie it around my waist and run to the edge of the tree and jump off landing safely on my secret tree house Brad helped me built with a building permit of course. Now you can only get to it by swinging and it is completely covered by branches and leaves. I trow my zip line over to the other tree and yell to Avi. "Grab on to the end with the padding! And trust me !" He grabs on and I pull him over. "Welcome to my Secret tree house."

Hey everyone that is a chapter. How am I doing for my first Book? Please let me know and I hope these aren't to short. Goodbye my little shadows love you!


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