Chapter 42

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*Avi POV*

I turn Y\N around to face me and I give her a kiss. I feel her smile into the kiss before deepening it. We pull apart for air. "I love you." We say at the same time. She blushes and grabs her skates and I grab mine.  We walk into the house to find Scott and Mitch making out on the couch, Kevin and F\N cuddling on the floor asleep. I chuckle and pull out my phone and take a picture of Kevin sleeping. "Ha this shows that I am winning the sleeping wars!" I say chuckling and Y\N shakes her head. "No remember this photo?" (Photo at top) She says holding out her phone displaying the picture.  "Put that away. I am so winning." I say and she shakes her head. "How are you? You fall asleep almost anywhere in any position. I am pretty sure Kevin is winning I hardly ever see him sleeping." Y\N says and smiles at me. "Sorry bassman but I think Kevin has you beat." Y\N says. "Dragon you are supposed to be on my side!" I say and pout. "Sorry honey but I can't argue with facts." Y\N says and I look up at her with the super-frown. She just smiles at me and gives me a kiss. I smile into the kiss and melt. "Fine you win." I say after we broke the kiss. She giggles and Scott and Mitch finally break apart. "Guys are you ok? You sat there kissing for god knows how long." Y\N says while I post the picture of Kevin sleeping on twitter with the hashtag Sleepwars. I hear Kevin's phone buzz and his groan. "Really Avi! I was having a good time winning oh wait I still am!" Kevin laughs and falls back asleep I groan and go upstairs and go to Esther's room. 

*Your POV*

I stop scolding Mitch and Scott after awhile and realizing that they weren't listening. I walk upstairs and go to my room only to notice someone sitting on my bed. "Avi?? Is that you?" I ask as I get an uneasy feeling in my gut. "No its not Avi but deary I can almost guarantee you won't know me. I can tell you that Avi doesn't love you nor does anyone else." The mystery person says and I shake my head. "No that's a lie! They may not love me but they at least like me." I say and the person chuckles. "Nope think about it. A famous A Capella group hating a fan? It would ruin there reputation." He says. "Think about it deary. Trust me they don't love you as much as you think." He says then leaves out of my window. I run over to my window and lock it. I walk to Esther's room. 'I need to talk to Esther.'  I think and I hear Avis voice through the door. "I just don't know what to do anymore Esther. She won't leave me alone!!" "Just talk to Y\N about it I am sure she can handle it." I gasp and pull away from the door with tears in my eyes. I run back to my room and pack all my stuff up all that I can carry anyway. I write a note and set it on my bed. "Goodbye." I whisper and climb out my window shutting it behind me. I start to walk to the only place I know no one can hurt me. My tree house. 

*Avis POV*

"Thanks Esther. I just don't know what to do with our cousin she won't leave me about Y\N." I say and Esther just nods at me. "I understand bro. Just go and talk to Y\N. She should know how to handle it." I nod and head to Y\N's room and knock. I look at my watch and realize its about 10:30 P.M. 'She must be sleeping I will talk to her tomorrow.'  I think as I head off to bed the others following soon after.  The next morning I walk up at 10 o clock and head to Y\N's room. I knock and there is no answer. 'Hmm I wonder if she is downstairs with the others.'  I head downstairs and see the others but no Y\N. "Guys have you seen Y\N?" I ask worried and they shake their heads. I feel my eyes widen and I run up to her room opening her door. No Y\N I walk over to the bed and see a note. 'Dear Pentatonix and friends,

If you are reading this I am long gone. Don't bother looking for me because you won't find me. I thought that I knew you all pretty well but I guess not. Avi just know that I love you even if you don't feel the same. Kristie you were the second eldest sister/best friend that I never had I love you as well just differently. Scott and Mitch you two are the best young immature brothers/shopping buddies I can ask for. I will miss your fashion advice and laughter but I have to leave. Kevin you are like the uncle/eldest brother. You are the one who always set everything straight and kept F\N happy. Please continue keeping her happy. Last but not least Esther. You are my Sister, Shopping buddy, Tattoo buddy, and the person who understood me the best. Even though I love your brother and wish that I could spend the rest of my life with him, Its not gonna happen because you all lied to me and he doesn't even love me. so goodbye forever,


'What! No she can't do this to me! I need her more than I need air!'  'Avi calm down. Where is the one place she always goes to when this happens? Hasn't she told you?' 'I don't think she would go there. She would know that I knew that's where to look. I have to tell the other's.'  I run down the stairs crying. "AVI? Whats wrong?" Kevin asks and I just hand him the note. He reads it and runs to the phone. He calls Kristie and yells through out the house. "GUYS! GET DOWN HERE! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" Immediately I hear footsteps running down the stairs and the door being ripped open.  Everyone runs in and Kevin hands them the note. I sit down and start to bawl into my hands. 'Please be ok Y/N. If your not ok neither am I.' 

Hey everyone another chapter updated and this one might be the last one for awhile but I am not sure. I hope this was alright for my little shadows A.K.A you guys all of you. Well byez and I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!


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