Chapter 10

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Hey everyone there may be some spelling errors, So forgive me!

*Your POV*

"OMD!! F\N get them out of here in the bathroom now!!" I yell but F\N is already on it and I walk over and push her in and block the door. "Y\N M\N L\N! Open this door right this instant!!" F\N yells "No I can't risk losing you or any of them the world needs them and you just stay in there!!"  I yell back as he enters the room. "I finally found you bitch I knew that tracker would come in handy." Matt laughs.  I throw my shoes at him not knowing that were he put the chip.  "Hey careful with those the tracker is in there along with all your other shoes." He laughs I just smile and take out my knife. He doesn't see it and takes out ropes and a blindfold. He rushes at me but I whip my knife out and cut him on the arm he instantly stops and looks at it.  "You son of a bitch!!" he doesn't get to say anything else as the police come in and arrest him. "You Matthew William Connors are under arrest for three murders and two attempted murders."  I smile and  hand the other cop my permit and he just shakes his head. "I'm the one who gave it to you remember?"  "Brad?"  "Yes Mrs. L\N Is Miss F\L\N Here?" Brad asks.  "OMD I FORGOT ABOUT HER!!" I run to the bathroom door and unblock it and open it.  F\N sits there steaming.  "Y\N," She says in a deadly calm voice, "What did I tell you about locking me in rooms and trying to take care of stuff yourself?"  "To not to" I say while looking at the floor. "Just don't do it again ok?" "Ok F\N OH BRADS HERE!!!" "BRAD GET IN HERE!!" F\N yells. Brad comes in and F\N gives him a hug and says "hes going away for life right?" "Yes he is F\N" "Yay!" she yells while I sit there thinking. "Brad how did you know where we were?" "Oh Mr. Kaplans sister called the station when she saw him and yelled he wasn't supposed to be here and then enter the room."  I smile and he walks out, I follow and find Esther.  " Esther thank you so much for calling him in if you didn't I'm not sure what would have happened." She just smiles and gives me a hug. "No Problem sweetie but if you want to prank my brother you might want to hurry he will be here soon." I smile "Thanks Esther for everything. Avi is lucky to have you as a sister."  She just smiles and pushes me back to F\N's arms and F\N brings me back to Krisites dressing room where they are all discussing the prank. "Girls we are no longer doing the prank. So go change if you wish." Scott says.  "No Scott, Girls you can keep the dresses but you may change if you like." Kristie interrupts. "No I think we will stay in them" F\N looks at me and I am just staring ahead.  I Pick up my shoes and find the chip and destroy it and the shoe.  I look at F\N and she sighs and pulls out heels that go perfect with the dress and are my size.  I smile and put them on, picking up my knife and putting it back where it was. I sit down and everyone gives me a great big group hug and then just sit let me go but sit near me.  I look up when I hear the door open and watch as Kevin steps in with 10 bags on his arms. Then I watch as Avi walks in with 5 Bags and 7 Cups of Starbucks. I wait till he sets the stuff down as Kevin asks " Why is everyone so quiet?" Avi sets the stuff down and I run and give him a hug and start to cry slightly.

*Avis POV*

I walk in after Kevin and set the stuff down and I notice the silence and F\N and Y\N looking at me and Kevin.  "Why is everyone so quiet?" Kevin asks.  All the sudden I feel Y\N hugging me and crying and F\N doing the same to Kevin.  I Instantly hug Y\N back and Kevin hugs F\N back. "Ok what happened?"  Kevin asks worried.  "My ex happened he came and tried to kidnap me but I stopped him with my knife I always have with me, Avi I'm sorry for getting your shirt wet."  Y\N says.  I just hug her closer and get very angry. "Is this true guys?" I ask as my anger seeps into my voice making it deeper. They all nod there heads and I get even madder.  "I wouldn't let them help though he had a gun and I know he would have shot them so I locked them all in the bathroom." Y\N says.  "HE HAD A GUN AND YOU LOCKED ME IN THE BATHROOM Y\N NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU COULD HAVE DIED!!!" F\N yells and hugs Kevin closer. "F\N the world needs you and Pentatonix. It doesn't need me." Y\N states. I pull her close "Don't ever say that again the world definitely needs you it needs all of us ok?"

*Your POV*

'Why did he say that its avi-oulsly not true.'   I look up to him in shock and see that he means  it.  'Maybe the world doesn't need me but maybe he does.'  "OK avi I won't say it ever again." I promise.  "Just one question" He says. "Why are you and F\N all dressed up I mean you two are beautiful but why?" he asks confused.  "Scott you answer." "Ok Y\N"

And that is where I am going to leave it this time.  Kinda a messed up chapter but oh well, that is how my mind works. Until next time bye!


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