New Girl

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"Alright class." The teacher said, walking the room and gaining the attention of first years inside. "We have a new student starting today. I expect you all to welcome her." He looked out the door. "Come in Miss. Yoshimura. No need to be shy."

A young girl with long white hair pulled into a ponytail and blue eyes walked inside. Pieces of her hair fell to either side of her face. Longer bangs covered her left eye as she stole nervous glances towards the class.

"Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about you?" The teacher asked, earning a small nod from the girl.

"Um... my name is Amaya Yoshimura." She said bowing to the class.

"Tell us something about yourself." The teacher erged.

"Oh. Um... I'm sixteen and just recently moved here from Tokyo last week." A few students gasped slightly at her being sixteen and only starting high school.

"Any questions?" The teacher asked, turning to the class. One hand shot up, belonging too an orange haired girl.

"Y- yes?" Amaya asked hesitantly, knowing what the question would be.

"I don't mean to be rude but, how come you're only starting high school if you're sixteen?" She asked.

"Oh... well... we move a lot so I didn't start school until a year after I should have..." Amaya explained quietly. Another hand shot up next to the orange haired girl, belonging too a girl with short black hair.

"Um... yes?" Amaya said looking over to her.

"If you move so much, why don't your parents home school you?" She asked.

"Well... it's just me and my mom..." Amaya whispered.

"Oh. I'm sorry I asked..."

"It's alright..."

"Miss. Yoshimura, why don't you take a seat?" The teacher said before any other questions could be asked. "There is an open seat behind Mr. Kurosaki. Ichigo, will you raise your hand please?"

A boy with orange hair beside the window raised his hand. Amaya then slowly made her way in that direction, plopping down sadly behind Ichigo.

"Alright. Miss. Yoshimura you came on a great day because we're reviewing everything we've learned so far. That means we're having a test next Tuesday." The class groaned, earning a chuckle from the teacher.

"Alright. Take out a notebook and pen. We're taking a note." Amaya quietly took out her notebook and pen while quietly sticking an ear bud in her ear so it was hidden behind her hair.

From beside her, another girl with short black hair observed her, taking notice that she put an ear bud in. As Amaya wrote, her eyes had fallen half closed and had filled with sadness.

Lunch had soon come around and Amaya had quietly slipped outside from the noisy hallways. She had stuck both ear buds in her ears and sat against the school by a small clump of trees. She then pulled out her notebook and began her homework she had yet to understand. Just as she started to understand some of it, gray legs came into her view, making her look up and take her ear buds out.

"Hi." Ichigo said with a small smile. "I didn't get to introduce myself yet. Ichigo Kurosaki." The orange haired said. Amaya blinked, confusion setting into her eyes.

"Oh, um h-hello." She said quietly.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked. Amaya simply shook her head no, watching as Ichigo sat down. He then shuffled through his bag, pulling out a cell phone. "You dropped this first period." Ichigo said handing it too her.

"Oh. Um, thank you..." Ichigo smiled.

"No problem." He said. "Are you having trouble with the school work?" He asked, glancing at her page filled with side notes and scribbles.

"Yeah..." Amaya said slightly embarrassed.

"It's alright. I had trouble with it too at first." Ichigo said as he started explaining how to solve the equations.

"Um....c-can I ask you something?" Amaya asked after Ichigo was done helping explain what to do.

"Yeah. What is it?" Ichigo asked slightly confused.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" The white haired girl asked quietly.

"Huh? What do you mean? Oh course I'm being nice to you. You're in a new place with no friends." Ichigo said blandly.

"I've never really had friends..." Amaya whispered.

"Never?" Ichigo asked, making her shake her head. "Well I guess I'm gonna have to change that." He said standing up, grabbing Amaya's arm and gently pulling her up.

"What do you mean?" She asked quietly, grabbing her bag as Ichigo placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Just common." Ichigo said leading her to what seemed like a sporting court.

"There you are Ichigo!" A boy with brown hair called, raising his hand in the air to wave.

"Hey Keigo!" Ichigo called back.

"Hey! You're the new girl!" An orange haired girl Amaya recognized from class, said bouncing up to her and giving her a large grin.

"Y-yeah..." she whispered, averting her eyes to the ground next to her.

"I'm Orihime Inoue!" She said happily sticking out her hand. Amaya hesitantly took the orange haired girls hand, shaking it slightly.

"Orihime, calm down." A black haired girl said walking next to her. "The name's Tatsuki." She said holding her hand out as well.

"H-hello..." She stuttered quietly. Orihime smiled at Amaya, trying to make her feel welcome.

"Wait a second!" A black haired boy cried out, running over to Amaya. "Your surname is Yoshimura!?" He cried, giving a slightly awe face.

"Oh.. y-yes."

"Your mom wouldn't happen to be Kokoro Yoshimura would it!?" He asked sparkling some.

"Y- yeah."

"That's amazing! I didn't know she had a daughter!" Amaya simply blinked at him calmly, letting out a small sigh.

"What are you talking about Mizuiro?" Ichigo asked confused.

"Are you serious!? Her mom's the best lawyer in all of Japan!" He cried. "She's never lost a case!" As Mizuiro continued to ask Amaya questions and such, another black haired girl standing next to Ichigo had widened her eyes.

"You okay Rukia?" Ichigo asked, nudging the shorter girls arm.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine." She said before walking up to Amaya.

"Hi!" She said smiling at the white haired girl. "I'm Rukia!"

"Hi..." Amaya replied quietly.

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