He's Nice

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Amaya stayed quiet during the rest of lunch, only speaking when she was spoken too. Throughout lunch, Rukia had occasionally glanced over at the quiet girl. Amaya had chosen to sit a little farther from the group, working on the schoolwork she now understood much better.

Soon, lunch ended and the group had split, leaving Rukia, Ichigo and Amaya.

"You didn't have to wait for me..." Amaya whispered to them as she stood up with her bag over her shoulder.

"It's quite alright." Rukia said. "Besides, there was something I wanted to ask you."

Amaya looked over at her, blinking a couple times in confused.

"Ask me what?" She said quietly.

"I know it may seem odd to ask but, can you see ghosts?" She asked curiously. Amaya gasped slightly, eyes widening some as she blinked at the sudden question.

"Rukia, what kind of question is that?" Ichigo asked confused to why she was asking Amaya about it.

"I'm curious because I can see them." Rukia said. This made Amaya gasp again.

"You see them too?" She asked quietly.

"So you can?" Ichigo asked, making her nod.

"Yeah... I see them all the time..."

"Well I guess that makes six of us." Rukia said placing her hands on her hips.


"I can see them too. So can Chad, Uryū and Orihime." Ichigo nodded. Amaya then looked down, rubbing her arm slightly with her free hand.

"Oh..." She whispered. "I thought I was the only one..."

"Nope. Why would you think that?" Ichigo asked.

"No reason..." She said quickly. "I better get to class..." she says turning and walking away before turning back for a brief second. "Thank you for the help Ichigo." Amaya then turns again, walking into the school.

Before she knows it, the school day was finished and she was walking home. Halfway through, a group of older teenagers had started following her, snickering at her hair and flicking the side of her head. Amaya simply kept her gaze to the ground as they teased her, ignoring them as she turned a corner.

"What the hell are you sorry assholes doing!?" A familiar voice shouted, making the three older teenagers pale. Amaya looked behind her to see and enraged Ichigo, throwing his bag to hit one of them in the jaw. That sent the other two running, the downed third standing up and running after them not a second later.

"I- Ichigo?" Amaya questioned.

"What the hell is with them picking on people?" He muttered picking up his bag. "Do you live down this way?" He asked coming up beside her. Amaya nodded.

"Y- yeah. Just a few blocks."

"Same here. I'll walk you home. They won't bug you if I'm with you."

"Why did you do that?" Amaya asked confused, no one ever doing that for her.

"Are you kidding!? They were laughing at you for your hair colour! That isn't right!" Ichigo cried. Amaya blinked at him confused.

"But you didn't have to..." she said quietly looking down.

"Like hell I didn't have too!" Amaya then snapped her neck back up to look at him. "No matter who it is, someone new or someone I've known for a long time! It isn't right if I sit back and watch!"

Amaya simply nodded slightly, giving a quick apology making Ichigo sigh.

"Don't apologize. Just don't say something like that again. Got it?"

"Y- yeah. Got it..." Amaya whispered as she started walking towards her home with Ichigo walking next to her. Ichigo had tried making conversation qwith no luck, Amaya giving short, simple answers. Sighing at her lack of wanting to talk, Ichigo walked her to her street before waving goodbye, letting the white haired girl go the rest of the way on her own.

Amaya opened the door of her house, empty boxes littering the living room and kitchen. As Amaya shut the door, a box rolled down the stairs, landing on its side and sliding slightly across the floor.

"Mom!?" She called up the stairs.

"Up here Amaya!" Her mother called back. Amaya then climbed the stairs to see her mother placing the last of the pictures on the wall.

She too, had white hair and blue eyes. Hair pulling into a tight messy bun with pieces of hair flying in different directions. However, her eyes a deeper blue then her daughters. She had a violet t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants on, contrasting against her hair.

"Hey Sweetie. How was your first day if school?" She asked with a smile.

"It was okay I guess..." Amaya whispered, making her mother frown.

"What happened dear?" She said tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"People kept asking why I was only now starting high school. Then that lead to the question of why you didn't home school me and..." she trailed off, looking down with shaky eyes.

"Oh sweetheart. It's okay. You know I would home school you if I could." Amaya nods at this, hugging her mom as she hugs her back.

"But there were a few of them that were really... nice to me." She said quietly.

"That's great honey." Kokoro smiled.

"Yeah... and on the way home, some kids were teasing me but one if the people that were nice to me at school, chased them off."

"That's good!" Kokoro smiled. "What was her name?"

"It wasn't a her... it was a him mom..." Amaya said.

"Oh? So what was his name then?"

"Ichigo Kurosaki..."

"And the others?"

"I didn't get all of their names... but they were nice to me and it was kinda confusing because no one normally wants to be my friend because of my hair colour..."

"Your hair color is beautiful Amaya. It's beautiful and unique. Just like you."

"But thats your opinion. Everyone else thinks differently."

"And why should you care? It's your hair. Not anyone else's." Kokoro kissed the top of her daughters head, the doorbell ringing as she did so.

"Why don't you quickly get changed while I get the door?" She suggested, earning a small nod from Amaya as she started down the stairs.

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