My Characters!

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Name: Amaya Yoshimura

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hair: Snow white hair that goes to her waist

Eye colour: Blue

Height: 5/1

Personality: Quiet and shy due to the fact she moves a lot. Rarely smiles outside her home. She can see spirits like Ichigo could at the beginning of the Bleach

History: Her dad died when she was seven in a car accident. Amaya was depressed for about three months after he died due to being so close to him. She's been bullied about her hair and eye colour because they apperently don't mix according to other kids. Never really had any friends because she moves a lot. Wears her bangs over her left eye because of a small scar under her eye from the car accident.

Soul Reaper?: Yes Amaya is a soul reaper but she doesn't know it. Her mother had kept it a secret all these years and used a type of Kído so she wouldn't be able to see Soul Reapers and Hollows as well as hid her Shinigami powers. Her mother also hid her spiritual pressure with the Kído as well.

Kokoro Yoshimura- Mother
Tero Yoshimura- father (deceased)

Others will be revealed throughout the fanfiction. Wouldn't want to give anything away now would we~?

Name: Kokoro Yoshimura

Age: unknown for now

Gender: Female

Hair: White hair like her daughters and about the same length

Eye colour: darker blue then Amaya

Height: 5/2

Personality: Motherly and loving. Uncaring to what other people have to say about her appearance. Likes to debate (which is why she's a Lawyer). Loves to be with her daughter.

History: Wasn't on the car accident with Amaya and her dad, she was at a courthouse doing Lawyer stuff (I'll research it later on because I plan on having something to do with it layer in the Fanfiction)

Soul Reaper?: Yes Kokoro is a Soul Reaper. She fell in love with a human and had Amaya. Still does her duties in the soul society but has stepped down from third seat in division 10 so she could be with her daughter more often in the human world.

Amaya Yoshimura- Daughter
Tero Yoshimura- Husband (Deceased)

Again, others will come out in later chapters.

And those, my furry friends are my OC's! I apologize for not being able to put Amaya's mom there too! I'm only posting this to try and get some interest in the book so I won't be publishing the first chapter until then. Sorry!

Kokoro will be the photo of chapter one. I didn't realize only one picture could be used a chapter (because I'm dumb sometimes) so she shall be in the next chapter.

Also, I will try and put some music for each chapter. I will try to make it around what the chapter is about but, it isn't gonna be straight forward. They will have deeper meaning.

Warning: There will be Nightcore songs so if you don't like Nightcore don't listen to them


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