Can't give up

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"Kokoro, Ichigo, go help Amaya with number four. We got number eight." Renji said. Kokoro and Ichigo nodded as they both pushed off the ground, using their hover to jump up higher and higher.

"Amaya!" Kokoro cried as her daughter flew at Ulquiorra, sword in hand. The teen slashed at the fourth Espada, her Zanpakto flying in from the side to attack him but she was blocked by his wings.

"Fly with the Winter Wind!" Both Amaya and Fuyuki yelled together, blue lights flew from the tips of the girls swords, Ulquiorra's eyes widening a little as he Soni died out of the way, his wings falling and disintegrating into sand as they fell through the sky. Ulquiorra landed a in the air a little ways away. He looked over at one of his severed wings, stretching it out slightly.

"One more like that and we got him." Amaya said.

"Amaya!" Kokoro called again, Amaya's eyes widening and turning to see her mother, Ichigo close behind her.

"Mom..?" She asked. "Ichigo..?" She asked again, her eyes trailing to Ichigo.

"Master, we must stay focused." Fuyuki said. "If you wish to join the battle I suggest you get ready for a fight." Fuyuki said to Kokoro and Ichigo.

"May I ask who you are?" Kokoro asked as she and Ichigo flash stepped to be on either side of the girls.

"My name is Fuyuki. Your daughter is my Master." Fuyuki said, stretching her wings out a little.

"Her Zanpakto?" Kokoro asked surprised.

"Yeah I kinda wanted her in the flesh to help me out." Amaya smiled at her mother. "So I brought her out."

"How in the world did you do that..?" Kokoro asked.

"Well you have to know your Zanpakto." Amaya said.

"When did you meditate?" Kokoro asked.

"I didn't." Amaya said confused.

"We can speak more about this later." Fuyuki said. "We must focus of this battle." The Zanpakto turned to look at her master. "Master, shall we try a new attack?"

"Love too. Mom, Ichigo, I suggest you stand back." Amaya advised as she and Fuyuki stepped forward a few feet, both holding out their swords at Ulquiorra.

"I'm impressed. You managed to cut my wings. I am embarrassed to say you might actually kill me," Ulquiorra said. "In this form."

Everyone's eyes widened as the fourth Espada pointed his sword at them again.

"What the hell is he doing...?" Kokoro asked under her breath.

"Segunda Etapa." Ulquiorra said, a black light exploding from his feet and surrounding him.

"Again..?" Amaya said with widened eyes. "He has a second form doesn't he Fuyuki?"

"I've never heard of two release forms." Fuyuki said. "In all honesty, I don't know the amount of power he may have."

"Well then be prepared for anything." Amaya advised, Fuyuki nodding at her master.

When the black light faded, Ulquiorra had new black wings, fur covering him from his waist to his feet. His arms were also covered in fur, his wings with sharp talons. His hollow hole was larger, with black blotch running down his chest and stomach. His eyes were yellow and green and horns stuck out of his head, his hair now longer.

"Ho-ly crap." Amaya muttered with widened eyes.

"Indeed Master." Fuyuki said, her eyes wide as well.

"Oh my god.." Kokoro muttered, Ichigo absolutely speechless.

"Out of all ten on the Espada," Ulquiorra said. "I am the only one, who has a second release form. Not even Lord Aizen himself has seen this form."

"You thinking what I'm thinking Fuyuki?" Amaya asked, making her nod.

"Of course." Fuyuki said smiling some.

"Mom! Ichigo! Leave him to us and get back a safe distance!" Amaya said turning to them slightly.

"Are you insane!?" Ichigo yelled.

"Maybe we are! But my Master and I have an idea. We do not wish any harm to the both of you. Please, do as we ask." Fuyuki pleaded slightly.

Sighing Kokoro went up beside them.

"I will not leave you." She said firmly as Ichigo appeared on the other side of them.

"You won't do this alone."

"This is was hurts the most." Amaya thought. "But at the same time, I love that they want to help me. It's what makes me smile."

"Fine." Amaya said smiling. "But be carful okay?"

"We're always careful, Amaya." Kokoro smiled at her daughter. "Bankai." The female Soul Reaper said, going serious once more.

"Let's do this." Ichigo said, Ulquiorra becoming quite confused.

"Four against one. How... unamusing." Ulquiorra said as he charged a cero and sent it at the four, Fuyuki and Ichigo jumping to the right and Amaya and Kokoro jumping to the left to get out of the way.

"Fire Tornado, Yosha!" Kokoro yelled, her fire tornadoes flying towards the fourth Espada. He dodged them, many others flying towards him.

"Hey mom?" Amaya asked. "Can you just use air?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Because maybe I can use my blizzard and with your wind, it can make my blizzard bigger."

"That might work." Kokoro said smiling at her daughter. "Let's give it a try."

"Perfect. Blinding Blizzard!!" Amaya yelled, snow and cold air circling together to create a contained blizzard.

"Dire Winds!" Kokoro yelled, swiping her sword as well, making the Blizzard bigger.

"It worked!" Amaya cried with a smile as the Blizzard moved over Ulquiorra. As it passed Ulquiorra, no sound came from the white flurries, making Amaya and Fuyuki both suspicious.

As the blizzard died down, Ulquiorra had come out, his limbs covered in ice, the substance growing onto his chest and stomach.

"You honestly believe this will stop me?" He asked, the ice thickening on his limbs.

"That's not ordinary ice, Espada." Fuyuki spoke up. "No matter how much you break it. No matter how much it shatters. It will appear twice as fast."

Ichigo watched Fuyuki with slightly curious eyes, the female Zanpakto taking no notice of it.

"It is futile to escape my ice, number four." Fuyuki smirked.

"I will not be beaten by the likes of you." Ulquiorra said as the ice reached his neck.

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