Sibling Bond

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-Toshiro and Kokoro-

"I could beg to differ." Toshiro said in a clear, monotone like voice, causing Kokoro to deadpan.

"Excuse me!? That isn't any way to talk to your older sister!" Kokoro cried, making Toshiro smile a little.

"Hate to interrupt, but shouldn't you be focused on me?" The third Espada spoke up, making both siblings look back at her.

"Should we do this like old times, Sister?" Toshiro asked, making Kokoro smirk a little.

"But of course. Only the deadliest for an Espada." Kokoro said as Toshiro nodded. "Bankai!" Kokoro yelled for the second time that day, Harribel's eyes widening.

"I had heard that her appearance wouldn't change but I thought that was her bankai! That amount of power, the power that turned my water to steam, was not her maximum amount of power!?" The third Espada thought to herself. "I'm such a fool to think it was her bankai!"

As the third Espada watched Kokoro, the female Soul Reapers snow white hair swirled above her head. Her sword burst into flames, a flurry of orange and red dancing across her blade. Without warning, the flames on her sword burned out, the wind seemingly getting stronger.

"Reign of the frosted heavens, Hiyorimaru!!" Toshiro cried, sending a huge wave of ice at the third Espada. Harribel simply put up her sword in front of her, turning the ice to water and sending it back towards the siblings.

"Fire tornado Yosha!!" Kokoro yelled, small tornadoes appearing, but no fire was to be seen. The tornadoes grew larger as they headed towards Harribel, the third Espada's eyes widening a little at the strong winds. The tornadoes pulled the water into them before disappearing, the water falling to the ground.

"Should we try again?" Kokoro asked her brother. "Because that didn't work the way it was supposed too."

"Yes, let's try it again." Toshiro said with a nod. "Reign over the frosted heavens, Hiyorimaru!" He cried again.

"Fire tornado Yosha!" Kokoro cried as well, her strong tornadoes -minus the flames- sucked in her younger brothers ice, turning it into ragged sharp icecles. "Dire winds!" Kokoro cried as a huge wind pushing the tornadoes, with the sharp ragged icecles swirling in them, shooting quickly at the third Espada.

The third Espada's eyes widened at the sight of the deadly tornadoes, using sonido to just barely escape, a few cuts on her left arm.

"Fire and ice? How do you work together so effectively?" Harribel asked, both Kokoro and Toshiro smirking a little.

"Couple things you need to know about us." Kokoro said. "One, I'm not just fire, I'm wind and air."

"Two," Toshiro said. "We've trained together for nearly a hundred years."

"Three," Kokoro said. "We have perfected attacks that combine both our abilities, strengthening our weaknesses and creating a more efficient fight."

"And finally, four." Toshiro said. "When our Bankai's combine,"

"It's like we're a whole new person." Kokoro finished. "New attacks."

"New defenses." Toshiro said as they listed a few more things.

"And even better a whole experience for the opponent. A new experience on how you can loose." Kokoro finished.

Harribel's eyes widened quite a bit, surprised at the words she was hearing from the siblings.

"A whole new person? But how is that possible!? It can't be possible!" Harribel thought.

"Reign over the frosted heavens, Hiyorimaru!" Toshiro cried as Kokoro smirked, making her brother nod.

"Lightning burns!" Kokoro yelled, a ball of flame hitting the ice created by Toshiro and smashing it to bits, each piece ragged and sharp. "Dire winds!"

The pieces then flew at the third Espada at a fast speed that even she could not keep up with. Some lodged themselves into her shoulder as she used her sonido to desperately get away.

"Great aim Sister." Toshiro said, making Kokoro nod a little with a smile.

"Thanks little brother. That means a lot to me."

"Harribel." The voice of Aizen called to the third Espada, making her turn and go over to him.

"Yes Lord Aizen?" She asked, the brown haired man taking out his sword in the blind of an eye and slicing Harribel's stomach. "What!?" She thought as she jumped back a little and held her now bleeding stomach with one arm.

"If you can't defeat these two, you are no longer any use to me." Aizen said flash stepping in front of her, stabbing his sword through her torso. He then retracted his blade as Harribel fell the the ground.

"What the hell..?" Kokoro muttered as the wind around her died down, her bankai officially gone for the time being. Toshiro's Bankai had disappeared as well, saving his energy for when he needed it most.

"Now that that's dealt with, I'll be leaving to the true Karakura town of you don't mind. I know where you hid it." Aizen said as a pair of Japanese doors appeared behind him, opening as he stepped through them with Gin and Kaname. Everyone's eyes widened as the door to the Soul Society closed and a garganta opened, Ichigo stepping out with everyone else.

"Kokoro!" Orihime cried with a smile.

"You're all okay!" Kokoro gave a small smile back. "We don't have time to chit chat! Aizen went to the Soul Society. To the real Karakura town."

"Dammit! I'm not strong enough to beat him!" Ichigo cursed himself.

"Perhaps I could be of some help." A male voice said from their left. Everyone looked over.

"Kisuke Urahara?" Kokoro asked. "It's been a long time hasn't it!" She smiled a little.

"About fifty years I would say huh?" Kisuke said smiling as he walked over. "Ichigo, I'll have to ask you come with me. The rest of you should distract Aizen for as long as possible."

"Got it." Kokoro said as Amaya called out to her. Kokoro turned and she nearly fell over as her daughter hugged her.

"Oh this must be Amaya." Kisuke said with a smile.

"Of course." Toshiro said, Amaya turning to look at the tenth division Captain. "It's been awhile." Toshiro smiled a little at Amaya.

"Do I know you..?" Amaya asked curiously.

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