I'm Sorry

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The light around the girl shone brightly before dying down, leaving the girl no longer in a white dress, but instead in a black kimono. A sword had appeared beside her, the Hogyuko no longer imbedded in her hand. The galaxy coloured stone had rolled away from Amaya a little, it hitting Aizen's foot.

"Was that so hard?" Aizen asked as he picked up the stone and quickly put it back in the pedastal. Amaya pushed herself off the ground, leaning on her elbows to keep her up. Her breathing had become heavy, her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath.

"What... did you... do to me?" She asked between breaths.

Aizen didn't respond as he tried to pick up the sword beside her, failing as sparks burned his hand. He didn't seem fazed as he looked at his hand then to her sword.

"How interesting." He said frowning a little. "It must be because you're part human."

"What the hell.. are you talking about?" Amaya said glaring at him fully.

"Stand up." He ordered, ignoring Amaya's question. Slowly, Amaya did as told, standing up even though nearly falling again. "Now pick up the sword."

Amaya listened, grabbing the swords handle and holding it up, a voice pounding inside her head.

"Hello." It said. It was female and had a light voice. "It's nice to finally speak with you. My name is Fuyuki."

"What the hell are you doing to me!?" Amaya yelled at Aizen.

"Very interesting. You have a voice in your head, don't you?"

"Say no." Fuyuki ordered.

"No. What are you talking about!?" Amaya yelled, choosing to listen to the voice in her head.

"Don't lie. I know when it's speaking to you."

"I am not an It thank you very much!" Fuyuki's voice said, echoing throughout the young girls head.

"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about!" Amaya yelled. "What voice!?"

Aizen frowned.

"I thought we were friends." He said said smirking again.

"Not even close." Amaya growled.

"Now now, aren't your friends and mother important to you?" He asked tilting his head to the side some. Amaya looked to the side, avoiding his gaze. "Now I'll give you a second chance to tell me the truth. There is a voice inside your head, isn't there?"

"Amaya, do not tell him. I will never forgive you." Fuyuki said.

"I'm sorry.. I don't even know who you are. My family is more important." Amaya apologized.

"I am you're family. We are connected. You can trust me but I won't be able to trust you without knowing I can count on you."

"Well?" Aizen said. Taking a mental breath, Amaya looked up at him.

"There is no voice. If you're hearing one then you might need some serious help." Amaya said firmly.

"You're brave. I admire it." Fuyuki said, her voice ringing inside the teenage girls head. Aizen then frowned at the girl again, walking up to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I hope you are not lying to me."

"So it's fine for you or lie but I can't?" Amaya asked, pulling her shoulder away from his hand.

"So you are saying you lied?" Aizen said narrowing his eyes at her.

"No. You're questioning me about lying when you lied to me." Amaya said narrowing her eyes back at him.


"What the hell!?" Ichigo yelled, pulling out his zanpakto to slash at the door.

"Ichigo don't!" Kokoro yelled before he could touch it.

"What!? Why!?" Kokoro didn't say anything and pulled a hair elastic firm around her wrist, shooting it at the door. The hair band stopped about a quarter of an inch from the door, bursting into flames, and falling to the ground. Black smoke came off the flaming item, Ichigo's eyes widened at it.

"That's why." She said calmly.

"How could you tell?"

"Come stand beside me." She ordered. Ichigo did as he was told, coming up beside the female soul reaper. Kokoro placed a finger on his chin, pushing it slightly to the left. A glint came off the walls, like a force field.

"What is that?" Ichigo asked looking over at her.

"It's a forbidden type of Kîdo. We don't even speak about it anymore. The only reason I know about it, is because my Captain told me about it."

"Toshiro told you?"

"No. He's younger then I am, Ichigo. Before I was the third seat in the tenth squad, I was the fifth seat in the thirteenth squad with Captain Ukitake. He said he couldn't stand keeping it from me. Why I don't know but he did."

"That's amazing... why is it forbidden?"

"It killed many soul reapers." Kokoro explained in those five words.

"This is bad!!" Nel finally cried, emerging from her terrified state. "We's is as good as dead!!"

"Nel, calm down. We will be fine." Kokoro tried to assure the young arrancar with no luck.

"No we's is gonna die!"

"Nel, calm down!" Kokoro yelled, tears forming in Nel's eyes as she stopped her loud wails. "Were going to be fine. Calm down, and take a deep breath okay?"

Nel nodded, hiding behind Ichigo's leg as she looked up at Kokoro.

"Can't we just blast the wall down or something?" Ichigo asked. Kokoro shook her head.

"It reflects attacks. Watch." She said pulling out her zanpakto. "Fire of the Desert, Yosha." She said calmly, a small flame shooting slowly from the tip of her sword. It shot at the wall, bouncing off it, and hitting the ceiling before bouncing off of that and hitting the floor.

"Can we get through the floor?" Ichigo asked.

"I doubt it."

"We're trapped here then." Ichigo said looking around.

"Only figuring that now huh Ichigo?" She asked sarcastically.

"Oh shut up." Ichigo grumbled.

"Were obviously trapped in here, Ichigo." Kokoro said with a sigh. "I want to know why though. Is it coincidence or was it planned?"

"It was planned of course." A voice rang out through the room.

"Who's there!?" Kokoro yelled, her voice echoing throughout the white room.

Then, on the opposite of the room opened, two figures appearing in the middle of the opening.

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