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"Who is it?" Toshiro growled as Kokoro pulled out her phone and flipped it open, seeing a picture of her and her daughter from when she was younger.

"It's Amaya." She told him, answering the phone. "Hey honey." She said calmly as she glared slightly at her younger brother.

"Mom!" Cried the panicked voice of Amaya.

"Amaya? What's going on?" Kokoro said, stopping her glare and now fully focusing on her daughter.

"Mom there's a weird man that-!"

"Shut up and hand it over!" A rough voice yelled, cutting Amaya off. Kokoro's eyes widened some, Toshiro's doing the same as he had never seen his sister this surprised before.

"Who the hell are you!?" Kokoro cried into the phone.

"Listen here. If you want the girl back you make sure Ichigo Kurosaki comes with you twelve blocks East from his house tonight. I won't hesitate to kill her."

"Hey wait a second-!" Before she could finish, the phone stared to beep, indicating the call had ended.

"Kokoro what's wrong?" Toshiro asked as his sister dropped the phone from her ear.

"Someone took Amaya." Her voice shook slightly, making the Soul Reapers all gasp.

"What!?" Toshiro cried.

"Who would want to take her!?" Ichigo yelled.

"Someone who wants you Ichigo." Kokoro said looking at him.

"What!?" He cried. "Who the hell wants me!?"

"I don't know." Kokoro said seriously, walking over to a small closet and opening it, pulling out a thin box. "But if he lays a hand on Amaya it will be a blood fest." She says opening it and pulling out a slender sword with a deep blue, nearly black oval hilt and hand protector.

"Kokoro, I don't think that's a good idea." Toshiro told her seriously.

"Like hell it isn't Toshiro. They're messing with the wrong mother." Kokoro said just as serious.

"Which is why it isn't a good idea Kokoro." Rukia spoke up.


"Relax." The rough voice said tossing the teens phone to the side. The sixteen year old was backed into a corner, fear clear in her eyes. "Your mom will come save you."

"Y- you're dead. You aren't supposed to be alive." Amaya said fearfully, pulling herself close together in a ball.

"I'm an Arrancar now. Fraccion to a certain Espada number six." The male voice rang out. He wore a brown cloak that covered his face and fell the just passed his knees.

"Arrancar? Fraccion? Espada? W- what are you talking about?"

"Eh? She never told you?" The voice asks before bursting into laughter. "Well then! You're certainly in for a surprise!"


"You expect me to sit back and wait!?" Kokoro roared.

"We aren't saying that at all Kokoro!" The red haired Soul Reaper, Renji said putting his hands up in defense and waving them around a bit.

"Then what are you saying!?"

"Sister, we're saying you can't run there unprepared." Toshiro said crossing his arms.

"I'm not stupid! Of course I wouldn't run in unprepared!" Kokoro said in a duh tone.

"But you tend to act first and think later when it comes to Amaya." Rangiku pointed out, remembering stories Toshiro told her about his sister when she had asked.

"And we are going to help you." Rukia stated. "Isn't that right Captain Hitsugaya?"

"Of course it's right. This is my niece we're talking about!" Toshiro said with a scoff.

"Then let's make a plan!" Ichigo said. "If it's me this guy wants, it's my fault Amaya was taken. So I'm going to help as much as I can."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Kokoro said pulling out what looked like a mint container. Pulling out a circular pill, she pops it into her mouth.

An identical woman separates from the first, but she was wearing a black kimono. She then pulled her hair out of its bun, letting it fall loose.

"What's the plan?" Kokoro asked as her gigai with a substitute soul occupying it walked up the stairs.

A few hours later when it started to get dark, Ichigo and Kokoro walked along the twelfth block from the Kurosaki house. The others were in their gigais nearby. Kokoro already had her zanpakto out, ready to strike if she had too.


"Time to go Amaya." The rough voice said to the now bound girl. Amaya started to squirm again, muffled cries coming from her taped mouth. The male voice laughed at her, the cloak hiding his face in its shadows again.

Amaya continued to squirm as he yanked her to her feet and keeping a firm grip on her shoulder. The white haired teen winced and tried to wriggle her way out of the strong grip. The man then proceeds to drag the young, scared girl to where they were supposed to meet.

Amaya continues to thrash in his grip until he gives up and hits the back of her head quite hard. Amaya goes limp and the man throws her over his shoulder with a sigh.

"Damn Kid won't do it the easy way so I guess the hard way it is." He grumbled, jumping up onto the rooftops and using them to get to his destination. The man soon gets to where Kokoro and Ichigo were, dropping the girl beside him.

"What the hell did you do to her!?" Kokoro roared.

"Relax. She isn't dead. Well, yet anyways." The male said laughing darkly. As Kokoro was about to run at him, a black hole formed in the sky. Four figures emerged from it, one with bright blue hair and eyes. A white mask filling the bottom left part of his face.

"Nice. Good job, Tero." The one with blue hair and eyes said, making Kokoro's eyes widen, Ichigo going confused at the female Soul Reapers reaction.

"Thanks." Tero laughed.

"Hey guys, keep the others busy. I want the strongest you got here." He said smirking widely. "And I know it's one of these two." He pointed at Kokoro. "Is it you?" He moves his finger to point at Ichigo. "Or is it you?"

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