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As Ulquiorra's eyes widened, something very unusal for him, he sonidoed back and out of the way. In front of him was a massive white tornado like blizzard. In the center, was Amaya. He couldn't see the young teen. All he could see was the blizzard. The white shone brightly in his green orbs, forcing him to block some of the blinding light with his arm. His hair and loose clothing flew behind him, his feet sliding slightly as well. The blizzard then exploded, the air pulsing slightly as a wind blew the snow, it melting as it hit the walls. Ulquiorra looked up to see what has happened, his eyes widening again.

"What..?" He asked, his monotone voice now filled with question and surprise.

"So this is what the outside looks from my own eyes?" A female voice said. It wasn't Amaya. Ulquiorra was staring, his mouth parting in a small, inaudible gasp at who had spoken.

"Nice to be in your own flesh, huh Fuyuki?" Amaya smiled at the slightly taller being. Fuyuki looked slightly down at her and smiled.

"It is. I can feel my own pain instead of inflicting it onto you, Master." She said, Amaya turning back to look at Ulquiorra.

"You thought it was an attack did you?" She laughed. "Both Fuyuki and I both knew from the start we could beat you when we were both trying to use my body." Amaya explained.

-A few hours earlier in Amaya's mind-

"Fuyuki come on!" Amaya begged as she pounded the side of the ice dome. "You can't beat him alone! Please just let me help!"

Fuyuki turned to look at her master, knowing she was right. Fuyuki raised her arms into the air and from the top, the dome started to melt very quickly. As soon as it was gone, Amaya jogged up to the platform but stopped, not going on it quite yet.

"I have an idea." Amaya said. "What if you could materialize into a human form outside my mind?" She asked.

"It is possible but I certainly don't know how." Fuyuki said as Amaya smiled.

"I'm half human." Amaya said. "I think I have a bit of an idea." She said placing her hands on her hips. "All you have to do is trust me."


"At the time I hadn't touched Fuyuki yet." Amaya continued. "When I did a word popped into my head. Release is what it was. It released Fuyuki from my mind."

"We have broken apart for the time being." Fuyuki said smirking, a few strands of her silver blue hair falling in front of her face. She pulled them back and tucked them behind her ear, her ice blue orbs piercing the fourth Espada's green ones. Both Amaya and Fuyuki had a sword in their hands, small smirks on their faces as they both ran faster then any human could and straight at Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra's eyes widened again slightly as the girls drew closer. The fourth Espada pointed his pale finger at the two, sending a bright green cero at them. Amaya simply dodged the attack but Fuyuki flash stepped out of the way, surprising him further.

Amaya smirked at the green-eyed Espada, pointing her sword to the ceiling and sending a blast of her shikai at it. A hole blew through the ceiling as the ice that formed exploded, dust clouding the room they were in, some of the dust travelling to the corridor.

Fuyuki flash stepped over to her master, taking Amaya's hand in hers. Bright white wings emerging from the Zanpakto's back out of nowhere, the female Zanpakto shooting up into the air, taking Amaya with her. Ulquiorra followed, hovering in the air for a moment each time he jumped to the same height as the two. Slowly, Fuyuki let Amaya go in the mid air. She too, was hovering in the air, having no difficulty with it at all.

"Why did you bring our fight to the skies?" Ulquiorra asked, eyeing Fuyuki's wings.

"No reason." Amaya said before muttering something else under her breath.

-Kokoro and everyone-

When the group of four was heading back to where Renji and Ichigo left Amaya, they had met up with Rukia, Chad and Uryū, all questioning where Amaya was and why Kokoro looked like she was crying. Kokoro hadn't answered any of them, her gaze set and hard in front of her. Renji and Ichigo had explained what the problem was to the three, Rukia getting mad at them as well and punching the two in the face.

"You idiots! You left her alone with an Espada!?" Rukia half yelled at the two as they rubbed their cheeks while they ran.

"Shut up! We know we screwed up!" Ichigo yelled.

"Besides, if you saw the look Amaya had in her eyes you would have done as she said too!" Renji yelled as well.

"That doesn't mean you flat our leave her!" Rukia said punching Renji's arm.

"Ow! Would you quit hitting me!?"

"That's enough!" Kokoro growled, looking back at them slightly, anger and fury raging in her deep blue orbs. Renji and Rukia flinched as she looked at them, immediately shutting up.

"Someone isn't too happy." Chad said quietly to Uryū, causing the Quincy to nod.

"They did leave her daughter alone with an Espada. I don't blame her one bit." Uryū said, pushing his glasses up from the tip of his nose. His glasses glinted. "And the fourth one none-the-less."

"Yeah." Chad said as they reached the room where they previously were. Kokoro's eyes widened at the sight of the what state the room was in. Rubble was sprawled everywhere, the floor half destroyed. The walls were cracked, and of course the hole in the ceiling.

"What in the hell happened!?" Renji cried.

"I don't know, why don't you ask the wall!?" Kokoro yelled walking over to be under the hole. Looking up, her eyes widened at the sight of her daughter and another girl, both with large white wings on their backs, fighting Ulquiorra Chifer.

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