The End..?

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"Here we go." Kokoro muttered to herself as she sighed. "Don't have much of a choice. Amaya, this is Toshiro, my little brother."

"What!? Mom you said you were an only sibling!" Amaya screeched, Toshiro giving her older sister an 'I told you erasing her memory was a terrible idea' look.

"Amaya we don't have time for this." Kokoro said. "We need to stop Aizen from destroying Karakura town."

"I'm coming too!" Amaya said firmly.

"It's too dangerous." Toshiro spoke up. "You will not be doing any such thing."

"I can take care of myself! I'm stronger then you think!" Amaya said firmly, Toshiro sighing.

"Amaya I said no." Kokoro said with a stern look. "I'm not speaking to you as a friend. I am speaking to you as your mother and I'm telling you now. You aren't to not follow us. Do you understand me?"

Amaya stayed silent for a moment before nodding a little.

"Got it.." The teenager said quietly, her mother kissing the top of her head.

"I love you. I'll explain everything after this is over. I promise." Kokoro promised her daughter.

"I can look after her if you like." Kisuke spoke up.

"I would appreciate it. Thank you, Kisuke." Kokoro said with a small smile.

"It's no problem! I have to help Ichigo anyways!" Kisuke said with a large grin, Amaya looking over at the man.

"Amaya, we have to go now. Or the Soul Society and Karakura town will be destroyed." Kokoro said, placing her hands on her daughters shoulders. "Kisuke will look after you until I get back."

"Right." Amaya nodded a little as Kokoro then turned, a set of Japanese doors appearing. Everyone but Ichigo, Amaya and Kisuke had gone through, leaving the three alone.

"Common." Kisuke said. "There's only one way to beat Aizen, Ichigo. Unfortunately, afterwards your powers will be gone and you won't be able to see Soul Reapers any longer."

"Whatever it takes to save Karakura town and my friends." Ichigo said.

Amaya, was still lost in thought, her Zanpakto speaking in her mind.

"Amaya, we cannot do everything. We would probably die if we took Aizen on. We don't know his capabilities. He never showed any. He was always hiding behind his Espada." Fuyuki said, Amaya sighing a little.

"I know.." She said quietly to herself, Kisuke calling for her to hurry up. Before she could, movement from the ground caught her eye.

"Amaya! Common!" Ichigo cried.

"Wait a minute! Ichigo, what happened to Ulquiorra!?" She called back.

"I don't know! I thought I killed him!"

"I don't think so!" Amaya said as she used her flash step to get to the ground. In front of her, was a very wounded and very weak Ulquiorra. One of his wings had been chopped off, blood gushing from multiple wounds all over his body. The fourth Espada barely had enough energy to look up at the girl as she drew her sword.

"I'm sorry.." Amaya said quietly before driving her sword through his back, his body turning to ash and dust.

"How did he survive..?" Ichigo asked as he appeared next to Amaya.

"He won't be a problem anymore.. that's for sure.." Amaya said sadly. "That's two people... I've killed..."

"Amaya, your weren't yourself earlier. And you did what was right just now." Ichigo assured her.

"Do you really think my mom will survive..?" Amaya asked quietly.

"I know she will. Don't you?" Ichigo asked.

"No I do but... Aizen doesn't seem strong but.. I know that isn't true.." Amaya said sadly, Ichigo wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side.

"Your mom will be fine. I know she will."


It hadn't been very long since they had got to the Soul Society. Gin, was not the traitor they had thought to be. He's almost dead because he tried to kill Aizen and save the Soul Society. He was no traitor. His blood was splattered across the rubble that littered the ground, Aizen looking down at the nearly dead man.

"No way..." Kokoro said as Rangiku weakly ran over to Gin. "Rangiku wait!" The white haired woman called, Rangiku not listening as she reached Gin.

"My my, that was a terrible idea now wasn't it, Gin?" Aizen asked, Gin's eyes opening to glare at Aizen. "I thought we were allies."

What was the most shocking, was Aizen had turned into some sort of butterfly, his brown hair longer then before.

"What is he..?" Kokoro asked herself. "More importantly, how did he turn into that?"

"Well aren't you curious, Kokoro. How is your daughter?" Aizen asked, making her grit her teeth.

"You can go to hell you sick bastard!" Kokoro yelled, anger filling her pupils.

"Sister be wise!" Toshiro warned.

"You know, Kokoro, you might have been better off without being adopted by the Hitsugaya family." Aizen said, Toshiro gritting his teeth as well in anger.

"You bastard! You can call me out all you want!" Kokoro yelled. "But don't ever call out my family!"

Kokoro then slashed her sword at Aizen, her anger fueling the power in the Zanpakto.

"Lightning blaze!!" She yelled, a crackle sounding from above and a bolt of lightning crashing down onto Aizen, flames bursting from the ground.

"Kokoro take a deep breath." Toshiro warned his sister. "Fighting angry like that will get you nowhere."

"He doesn't get to call out my family like that. I would have died if it weren't for you and Granny! I owe you both my life!" Kokoro growled lowly. "And this bastard, thinks he can go ahead and say that crap!?"

"Kokoro you need to calm down now! This want get you anywhere!" Toshiro said seriously, making Kokoro sigh.

"I'm sorry, Toshiro.. you're right.."

"That he is, isn't he Kokoro Hitsugaya." Aizen's voice called out as the flames exploded into nothing, leaving an unharmed Aizen behind.

"Aw crap.." Kokoro muttered under her breath.

"Is it alright if I cut in?" The voice of Ichigo rang through the air, no spiritual pressure emitting off him. This left everyone confused, wondering just how the hell, he would beat Aizen.

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