Love is the Answer

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Toshiro starred in astonishment as the new soul, Tero looked up. His eyes were a bright blue.

"Granny.. did you say Tero..?" Toshiro asked making her nod.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?" Toshiro's grandmother asked as Tero stood up.

"You.." Tero spoke, his voice just barely above a whisper. "I'm looking for someone! Can you help me!?" He asked, surprising the 10th divisions Captain. "She had white hair like yours! Deep blue eyes! Do you know her!?"

"Tero, please calm down." Toshiro's grandmother said. Toshiro was astonished to find him as a Soul. The last time he had seen him was in the World of the Living as a Hollow. He was surely a Hollow. But why was he here..?

"Please. I need to find her. Her name's Kokoro." Tero said, calming down like Toshiro's grandmother had told him.


"Finally! Bring out the Bankai Soul Reaper!" Nnoritora yelled.

A strong wind started to whip around the soul reaper mother, making her hair rise above her. Her Zanpakto burst into flames, starting in the middle of the blade and travelling to either ends.

"Fire Tornado, Yosha!" Kokoro yelled, swiping her sword at the fifth Espada, a flame, larger then any other she had ever created ran towards him. Nnoritora's eye widened as he sonidoed out of the way, the top of his spoon like uniform catching fire.

"How the hell can a woman like you hold so much power!?" The fifth Espada yelled, emphasizing woman and making Kokoro's eyes go black.

"I'll show you only half of my power you sorry bastard!" Kokoro yelled, stabbing the top of her sword into the ground. "Rise with the Wind!"

As she yelled this, fire started to burn the ground around her sword. It burned higher and moved slowly across the white floor, as a strong gust of wind pushed the flames to grow larger. The orange flames grew higher and hotter with each passing second, the fifth Espada's eyes widening.

"This is only half of her power!? This woman is not a Captain is she!? Is she only hiding it!?" Nnoritora thought as the flames washed over him. Much to his surprise, he felt the heat as he watched his sleeve catch fire. His hands started to burn, turning black slightly in small patches. As the fire died down, Kokoro stood there with her eyes hard at him.

"You... you managed to harm me!?" Nnoritora yelled.

"My flames are almost as powerful as the Head Captains! But I guess you didn't expect that from a woman you sexist bastard!"


As the pieces of her Zanpakto glowed blue they rose from the ground, floating in front of her as she took several steps back. Ulquiorra watched with a bland expression, no wanting to admit he was slightly curious to what a young girl like Amaya was going to do. The pieces of Amaya's sword came together, the cracks shining a brighter blue. The light travelling to the edges of the blade.

"How are you able to fix your sword so easily? You haven't been familiar with your abilities for more the twenty-four hours." Ulquiorra said, his eyes displaying a small pang surprise flashing in his eyes. Amaya glared slightly at him as she grabbed the hilt of her sword.

"It's called human intuition idiot." Amaya scowled. "Something you obviously don't have."

"Amaya what the hell..?" Ichigo muttered.

Amaya's eyes started to glow as well, a new, more powerful and demanding voice escaping Amaya's lips.

"You will not harm my master, you filthy Espada."


"Sexist!?" Nnoritora yelled. "It's a known fact that men are better fighters then women!"

Kokoro's eyes flared with anger, "Fire Tornado, Yosha!!" She yelled, slashing her sword at the fifth Espada, the air and fire mixing together to form fire tornadoes that hit Nnoritora one by one.

"Why you little bitch..!" Nnoritora yelled, sonidoing behind Kokoro.

Kokoro just barely putting her sword up to block the strange weapon. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough to stay in place. Nnoritora pushed her back, her white hair flying into her face as she landed on the ground, bouncing a few times before stopping face down. Kokoro pushed herself up slightly, reaching for her Zanpakto that was a few feet away. Nnoritora sonidoed over to her, stepping on her hand just before she grabbed her Zanpakto. Kokoro growled slightly as she looked up at him, blood running down the side of her head and staining her hair red.

"You honestly thought you could beat me!?" Nnoritora yelled, Kokoro growling at him.

"I haven't lost just yet." She growled. "Ignite Yosha!" Kokoro yelled as her sword burst into flames.

"What!?" Nnoritora yelled, stepping off her hand and backing away from the flames. Kokoro reached out and grabbed the hilt of her sword. She slowly stood up as the flames grew around her.

"I was offered several different times a Captains seat. Each time, I refused. I didn't feel I was powerful enough due to the fact I could never beat any other Captains." She explained as the flames grew hotter. "Only now I am realizing why the Head Captained wanted me to be a Captain. It was because he knew I would never give up. I still do not wish to be a Captain. But I do wish to live through this fight."

Kokoro then brought her sword up, swiping it down at Nnoritora. The flames slashed at the fifth Espada, a strong wind pushing the firey wall. Nnoritora's eyes widened at the amount of power the Soul Reaper mother had, his teeth clenching together.

"I won't be beat by a lowly Soul Reaper!" He yelled, just as the flames hit his body. A loud scream escaped the fifth Espada's lips, pain and agony filling the room. Kokoro glared at his burning form as the flames disappeared, Nnoritora's body falling to floor in a heap. Still having some energy, he pushed himself up to lean on his elbows.

"How the hell did you do that!? You shouldn't have that much power! It's impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, Espada. Not when you have love on your side." Kokoro said as she walked over to stand over his body, her sword over his weak form. "I am truly sorry you could not find peace in the Soul Society."

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