She Doesn't Remember

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After roughly two weeks of being in Karakura town, Rukia had disappeared and hasn't been seen for some time. Ichigo had missed a few days of school but showed up claiming he didn't know where she was.

Amaya had become somewhat quick friends with Orihime and Tatsuki as well as Ichigo and his other friends. Fourth period was starting soon when voices started to echo through the hallway. Amaya however, was busy finalizing homework she hadn't understood with ear buds in.

"Where is it!?" A voice said.

"It's this one idiot!" Another growled. Just then, the door flew open revealing five people. Four guys and a girl in the school issued uniforms.

One of the guys, Yumichika had dark purple hair that went to about his jaw.

The second, Renji had long red hair pulled into a bun type thing with what seemed like tattoos around his neck and on his head. Some of which were covered by a headband.

The third, Ikkaku was bald with red eye shadow around the sides of his eyes. A large stick was in his hands, much like one would see in a dojo.

The girl, Rangiku had long orange hair and was rather busty. Her eyes glimmered slightly as a small grin formed on her face.

The last, Toshiro was the shortest of the five with white hair in slight spikes. His eyes glanced over the room as Renji called to Ichigo and Rukia jumped up through the window to greet him. The class started to murmur about how she got to the second floor window without a ladder while Amaya stayed focused on figuring out her work.

The short, white haired boy had caught glance of her white hair and his eyes widened some. Amaya had began to tap the end of her pencil against her chin, thinking hard as she tried to understand the work on her own.

"What is it Captain?" Rangiku asked her Captain.

"Nothing Rangiku. I just need to make a call later." Toshiro said waving it off.

Later the same day, Kokoro was finishing up with a case she had recieved the day before. Reading glasses hung from the tip of her nose as her eyes followed the words written on the page. Then a small beep sounded from her pocket.

Kokoro sighed, pulling it out and clicking the answer button.

"Hello, this is Kokoro Yoshimura, how may I help you?" She asked scribbling notes on the side of the page.

"Hello Sister." A male voice rang out from the other end. Kokoro grinned, setting down her pencil and taking off her glasses.

"Well I'll be damned. My little brother actually called me?" She said leaning back in her chair.

"You seem surprised."

"Well duh. You haven't called me in years little brother."

"Would you stop calling me that!?" He cried into the phone. Kokoro chuckled.

"Oh relax. So what's up?"

"What's up!?" He cried again, giving an angered sigh at the end. "I'm in town for a while and I was thinking we could meet up later."

"My little brother actually wants to see me? Well that's a shock." Kokoro grinned.

"Well actually, by later I meant a few seconds. I'm outside your house."

"How did you even get my address?" She asked sweat dropping.

"I had some help..." Kokoro sighed standing up and stretching her stiff legs.

"Alright. I'm coming down. Just give me a minute."


"Uh huh." She said before hanging up. She then makes her way downstairs, her hair in a messy bun. She wore a short sleeve black shirt with black yoga pants.

She then opens the door, the six soul reapers from the school as long with Ichigo. Toshiro then looks up at her taller form.

"Hello Sister."

"Hey little brother. How long has it been?"

"A decade I assume." Toshiro said with a sigh. Kokoro laughed.

"Hey guys. It's been a while." She said looking at the others. "Come on in." She says swinging the door open all the way, a baffled Ichigo still standing outside.

"I'll answer all your questions later so get inside." Kokoro said before the orange haired teen could say a word as he walked in. As Kokoro closed the door Ichigo exploded.

"What the hell!? He's your brother!" He cried.

"Well yeah. I was adopted by the Hitsugaya family years ago." Kokoro said crossing her arms.

"Then why is your surname Yoshimura!?"

"I married Ichigo." Kokoro said in a duh tone. "Simple as that."

"Wait that means you're a Soul Reaper!!"

"Would you quit yelling!" Kokoro yelled back, eyes turning dark and making Ichigo flinch before shutting up. "And yeah I'm Soul Reaper!" She says in a duh tone.

"Anyways!" Toshiro said angrily. "We'll be staying for a while and we were wondering if a few of us could stay here."

"I wouldn't mind. Of course you'll have to share a room though." Kokoro said placing her hands on her hips.

"That's fine Sister."

"But I will have to ask you to stay out of sight. I don't want Amaya knowing you're here."

"Why not? Just tell her, her Uncle is here for a visit." Toshiro said blankly.

"That's the problem."

"Why is that?"

"I told here I have no siblings to prevent suspicion. I don't want her knowing about her powers until she is eighteen Toshiro."

"We've met before." Toshiro said confused.

"I used Kìdo to surpress the memory."

"Why would you do that!?" Toshiro cried. Kokoro crossed her arms with a sigh. "Dammit Kokoro! What the hell were you thinking!?"

"Well I was thinking you'd disprove."

"That's not what I mean and you know it!"

"I was thinking of her safety Toshiro."

"What's that supposed to mean Kokoro!?"

"Toshiro, it isn't any-"

"It is too my business so don't say it!" Toshiro yelled. "Kokoro, I'm speaking as an Uncle not a Captain! Amaya is my niece and I have the right to know why you did what you did!"

Before Kokoro could answer her younger brother, her phone started to ring in her pocket.

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