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"I feel really bad though! I never wanted to kill anyone.. but I did it anyways!" Amaya said sadly as the four ran through the halls.

"Amaya, I know. Killing someone isn't easy but if it's to set them free it's worth it. For you and them." Kokoro said, shocking Amaya and Ichigo.

"Are you saying you've killed someone before mom!?" Amaya asked, shock clear in her face.

"No no no! That's not what I mean Amaya. It's the same with hollows is what it is. It seems like you're killing them but you aren't."

"That's not the same thing mom! I killed him!" Amaya cried.

"Amaya, it's going to be alright." Ichigo said, making Amaya look up at him and blink. Amaya then nodded, shocking Kokoro.

"We need to find Renji, Rukia, Chad and Uryū." Kokoro said as she mentally shook off the shock from Ichigo calming Amaya down some.

"Who's Renji?" Amaya asked confused as they ran around a corner. "Wait, Chad and Uryū are soul reapers too!?"

"No, Chad is human. Uryū is a Quincy." Ichigo said. "I'm technically a substitute soul reaper."

"This is so confusing! Mom, why you keep this from me!?" Amaya asked.

"I'll tell you my reasons another time. At the moment, we need to find everyone else." Kokoro told her daughter. Ichigo was running behind Amaya with Nel on his shoulder.

"Mom please! This is important! Why didn't you ever tell me?" Amaya begged. Sighing, the soul reaper mother slowed her pace slightly.

"Amaya, I promise I'll tell you everything once we get out of here. Alright?" Kokoro said looking at her daughter as she nodded slightly.

After many twists and turns, they had entered another large room, the four very hesitant to enter. Kokoro had gone first before the opening slammed shut, separating Amaya, Nel and Ichigo from Kokoro.


"No!" Amaya cried, her hands flying to the wall that appeared. "If he even thinks of hurting her I'll rip out his spleen!"

"Amaya, calm down. It'll be okay." Ichigo tried to reassure her.

"No it isn't! This is far from okay! I still don't know why I'm here! What he wants from me!"

"Amaya, we'll figure this out. I promise." Ichigo said as Nel hopped off his should, going to cower in a corner at the presence of a new being.

"Lord Aizen was wondering where you went off too. And how you escaped." The monotone voice of a certain green eyed Espada. Amaya's eyes went dark as she turned from the now blocked hallway.

"You... what the hell are you doing here!?" Ichigo yelled as Amaya silently placed a hand on the handle of her Zanpakto.

"Lord Aizen was curious to where you went and how you escaped the Kido bound room." Ulquiorra said in monotone.

"Amaya don't." Fuyuki said in her mind. "I know what you are thinking. If you kill him, you can get to your mother. But it won't work. He is much too strong."

"I can if I try hard enough-" Amaya thought, Fuyuki cutting her off.

"Amaya don't. I mean it. You will be killed. You mother will be devastated. And so will I. I'm not sure if I will when you die. It is because you are half human."

"I can't let him get away with this. You know that."

"Amaya please." Fuyuki said, Amaya mentally sighing and nodding. But, before she knew it, Ulquiorra was in front of her, Ichigo bloody and thrown across the room, trying to stand while leaning on his sword.

"You girl. How did you escape the Kido bound room?" Ulquiorra asked, Amaya taking a step back while glaring at him with hard eyes.

"Why do you care?" She growled, Ulquiorra grabbing her chin roughly in his pale hand.

"I will ask once more. How did you escape the Kido bound room?"

"How about I show you!?" She yelled, stabbing her sword and him. Ulquiorra caught it with his hand, or doing jim no harm. "Fly with the Winter Wind, Fuyuki!"

Ulquiorra's eyes widened as a blast of blue light from her sword. Ulquiorra pushed her sword up at the last minute, the blast hitting his sternum and shooting out his back. Amaya smirked slightly as Ulquiorra gave her a weird look.

"Now look what you've done, you tattered my uniform." He said, Amaya's eyes going wide.

"Hey! Watch where you point that thing!!" Yelled a new voice. Ulquiorra turned around, a man with red hair standing in front of Ichigo, a cloud of dust surrounding his feet. Amaya's eyes widened a little more as Ulquiorra grabbed her arm, pulling her in front of him a little.

"Let her go!" Ichigo yelled, Ulquiorra looking at them with a blank face.

"Hey, that's Amaya!" The red haired man yelled, the grip on his Zanpakto tightening.

"You must be the other Soul Reaper." Ulquiorra said in monotone.

"That must be Renji mom was talking about.." Amaya thought, Fuyuki's voice pounding through her head again.

"I believe you to be correct, Amaya. But you must get away from this Espada. He is dangerous." Fuyuki said, Amaya starting to try and get out of his strong grip.

"Let go of me you creep!" Amaya cried, slashing her sword at him. Ulquiorra's other hand shot up and caught the blade between his fingers.

"You shouldn't play with weapons you don't know how to use, Girl." Ulquiorra said in monotone.

"Get away from him Amaya!" Fuyuki ordered quite harshly, Amaya doing as Fuyuki told her. She pulled her sword away from him and then tried to yank her arm from the Espada's grip.

"You are quite childish." Ulquiorra stated blandly, letting her arm go and disappearing. He then reappeared behind Amaya. Amaya swung around, Ulquiorra grabbing her Zanapakto and crushing it in half with his bare hand. Amaya's eyes went wide.

"No!" She yelled, the desperation sounding in her voice peaking Ulquiorra's interest.

"Why are you so upset? It is only a sword. A measly possession." He said as Amaya looked down at the shattered pieces of her sword, Fuyuki. Amaya scrambled to speak to her within her mind, calling out to her Zanpakto.

"Fuyuki!? Fuyuki please answer me! Fuyuki!? Fuyuki!!"

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