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"Interesting. You must be the Zanpakto." Ulquiorra said.

"And you must be the Bastard that broke me in my sword state." Fuyuki's voice said smoothly. "If you wish to live leave now. If not, I'd be happy to send you to hell."

"You are just a childish as your master." Ulquiorra said in monotone, his hand resting on the hilt of his own sword.

"My master left everything childish years ago when her father died. Neither of are being childish. We are being dead serious." Fuyuki said as she narrowed Amaya's eyes at the fourth Espada. "Besides. You obviously feel threatened by us. Your hand is on your sword."

Fuyuki smirked as she slashed her sword at him.

"Fly with the Winter Wind!!" She yelled, her sword forming an icy blast at the tip of it. Ulquiorra sonidoed out of the way, astonishment flashing in his once dull and bored eyes. The blast hit the wall, it freezing over. Before it could explode like last time however, Fuyuki flash stepped with Amaya's body, hitting the bottom of the hilt to the frozen over wall. The ice gathered to the hilt, making the second icy blast twice as powerful.

Ulquiorra dodged the second blast but as strong as it was, it pushed him back from where he stood.

"You haven't been alive within that girl for more then twelve hours." Ulquiorra said in monotone. "How is it you have so much power?"

"Oh you poor poor bastard." Fuyuki's voice cut through the air like a knife. Powerful and deadly. "I've been alive within my master since her birth. I had simply yet to form into her Zanpakto and I was unable to contact her directly. My master has allowed me control over her body. She has yet to learn much about me but," Fuyuki smirked with Amaya's mouth slightly. "I happen to know everything about myself. Isn't that convenient?"

Ulquiorra's eyes had widened slightly as he drew his sword.

"Am I worthy enough for you to draw your blade, Espada?" Fuyuki said mockingly.

-Amaya's Mind-

"Fuyuki what the hell are you doing!?" Amaya cried, banging on a dome of ice her Zanpakto had created around the two platforms.

"Master, I am extremely sorry for this. You have yet to learn how to wield me. Without that knowledge about me, you would be killed within minutes." Fuyuki's smooth voice came from inside the dome, it echoing and making Amaya bang slightly harder on the dome.

"Fuyuki! Please! Just tell me what to do! I hate not being able to see what's going on!" Amaya yelled, Fuyuki forcing herself to ignore her master. "Fuyuki I'm begging you! Please! Just tell me what to do!"

"Master, I'm sorry. I cannot. You must trust me. I promise I will explain everything later. I won't let you down." Fuyuki sounded terribly sad, her voice rigid and pained sounding. Unknown to Amaya, her Zanpakto's eyes were filled with tears, the salty liquid running down her cheeks. The Zanpakto quickly and quietly wiped them her face, the droplets turning to ice as they touched her fingertips.

"Fuyuki!!" Amaya cried once more, Fuyuki letting out a small breath as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Master, I'm truly sorry." She said, trying to make her voice as even as she could.

"Fuyuki please! Let me help you! Niether of us can do it alone!" Amaya begged. Stopping to think for a moment, Fuyuki turned to look at her through the translucent ice, some area's harder to see through. "Please Fuyuki. Trust me."


As Amaya/Fuyuki's sword clashed against Ulquiorra's, the girls eyes started to cloud slightly, a new type of ferocity filling her blue orbs soon after. Amaya/Fuyuki smirked at Ulquiorra, confusing the fourth Espada farther.

"Hey there." Amaya's voice escaped her lips. "Having fun?" She mocked. Ulquiorra pushed her back, pointing a slender finger at her and sending a cero her way. Amaya only smirked more before jumping out of the way. She landed next to Renji, surprising him a little.

"Just what the hell is going on!?" He asked her.

"You must be Renji." Fuyuki's voice said through Amaya's lips.

"That's creepy! Stop that!" Renji demanded.

"You can deal with it for now. Please, get Ichigo out of here." Amaya's voice said.

"What!?" Ichigo cried, nearly falling over. "I ain't leaving you!"

"You will." Amaya said giving him a stern look. "Find Orihime. Get out of here. I'll find my mom after I deal with him." She gestured to Ulquiorra.


"Ichigo Kurosaki, I suggest you listen to my master." Fuyuki's voice spilled into the air, cutting it like a blade.

"That is creepy." Ichigo said.

"That doesn't matter right now! Go! Fond Orihime and get out of this hell hole!" Amaya ordered sternly. "She can heal you! Now go!"

"You'd make one hell of a Captain." Renji said. "Let's go Kurosaki."

Ichigo, finally giving in, nodded at Amaya, Nel hugging Ichigo's leg lightly.

"Fine. Amaya, if you get killed I swear.."

"I'll be fine." Amaya smiled at him. "Now go." She turned her full attention back to Ulquiorra. "Why didn't you attack when I was vulnerable?" She asked him.

"My fight is with you. Not those other two. They will be killed by other Arrancar."

"Yeah that's what you think."


The female Soul Reaper jogged down the halls, passing other corridors that led to who knows where. Seeing another large room to her right, she avoided it, running to the left.

"Just keep moving. Find your way to Amaya. Her spiritual pressure seems strained. I need to get to her." Kokoro thought, her eyes hard as she ran slightly faster. Her eyes fell to a visible closed door, a small window centered near the top of it. It looked like a normal door but... why? Why was that door so special? What purpose did it hold? Was something dangerous trapped inside..? Or perhaps someone else who was taken by the Espada.

"Only one way to find out.." Kokoro said quietly aloud, as she slashed the lock off with her sword and pushed the door open.

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