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A/N- Halen's outfit on the left; Asher's on the right

today was the day of the concert; i'm currently in my bed room with Asher blasting sgfg and just jumping around. Mikey said the tickets and passes were supposed to be here around 12; and as i was thinking about it, the door bell rang. asher and i gave eachother a look before be bolted down the stairs and to the door.

we opened it to a somewhat old lady with a box. she smiled and handed us the box and continued going house to house. as soon as i closed the door; i texted michael.

mikey- just wait in the crowd & a bit bulky security gaurd will come and get you :)
halen- see you then :) oh my god i cant believe this is happening.

i send the last message and close my phone.
"COME ON HALEN LET'S GO" Asher yells from downstairs.
i put my choker and a few bracelets on and ran downstairs to meet asher and we were off.
*skip carride and line and stuff*

asher and i found our seats after 80 years. we were front row and i could already feel the tears prickling my eyes. we were talking for a little while before the lights turned off and the chords for "She's Kinda Hot" started playing and the crowd went insane. First Ashton ran out then Calum, Luke, and finally Michael. And I could have sworn Michael and I made eye contact.

after playing shes kinda hot, she looks so perfect, good girls, and permanent vacation; luke spoke.

"HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" He yelled into the mic in which the crowd yelled even louder. "I'll take that as good" He said with a laugh; then started playing the chords to 18.

after about 10 more songs the show ended and people were exiting the venue.

"What did Michael say?" Asher asked impaciently.
"He said to wait here and a big securtiy gaurd will come and get us." I replied.

as if on que, a tall gaurd approaches us.

"Are you Halen and Asher?" He asked and we nodded to confirm.
"Follow me." He smuggly smiled.

once again we nodded and did as he said. as we got closer to the dressing rooms; i could hear the angelic voices i had admired for so long, but then they stopped. the gaurd opened the door to an empty dressing room. asher and i gave eachother confusing looks. we started looking around and i saw an envelope with my name on it.

"fucking open it." Asher shoved me towards it.

i go to open it & it was the conversation i had with the anon on tumblr 3 months ago.

"holy shit it cant be.." i mumbled

"oh but it is." said the all too familiar voice i know too well.

i turn around to see michael fucking clifford standing in the door way along with luke, ashton, and calum.

"it was you this whole time. but why didnt you tell me." i said not moving an inch. i looked at asher and she was giving me the most shocked look ever indicating that she caught on.

"i wanted to know if you would like me for me and not like me because im michael from 5 seconds of summer." michael said scratching the back of his neck.

i dropped all the stuff i had and ran to him and hugged him. this is it. ive meet my best friend. who happen's to be in my favorite band.

"michael, you being in a famous band just makes me adore you even more. but youre my best friend, and you always will be." i mumble into his chest.

A/N- here are some more filler chapter things and michael & halen met !! ill either update later tonight or tomorrow night, give me some feed back. let me know what you guys think of the new writing format :)

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