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we had just gotten to the zoo and the car ride there was the greatest thing ever, besides michael almost crashing a few times due to jamming to blink-182 a bit too hard.
"alright where do we want to go first?" luke said looking at the map.
"can we go to the children's zoo thing? i want to see the fucKING GOATS." i shouted a little too happy.
"to the childrens zoo we go!" cal points in the air and runs towards the children's zoo.
*skip a little bit*
we had been to the children's zoo, the snake house, and saw the stingrays.
"okay guys, im tired as shit. can we go to the car and go get food?" cal says.
"you guys go; everytime i come here i HAVE to see the polar bears." i say and grab michael's hand and start walking towards their exhibit.
"so i guess i didn't have a choice?" he said laughing.
"well duh. of course you didn't" i said smiling.
"so why do you have to see them everytime?" michael questioned.
"ever since i was little i loved them. then people started to throw trash into their exhibit and they died out. so i make it a point to see them everytime." i said looking in awe at the little bears running around.
"thats so cute." michael says smiling.
god why does this boy do this to me.

A/N- hey pals !! yay 4 updates

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