thirty one

16 1 0


meeting the fans was so much fun. they were all so nice and humble and it made me happy. the doors had just opened and many of the fans that we had saw outside were wanting to buy merch before the boys went on the stage. as i was getting ready to sell more merch, my phone buzzed

mikey- show is about to start. we have a special space for you and asher :) its infront of the barricade, just walk down.

"okay guys, the show is about to start! if you guys still want merch there will be someone here during the show and after!" i say trading spots with one of the tech guys from earlier.

"so where is our special spot?" asher asks

remember when we would crowd surf over the barricade where the guards stand?" i said smirking.

"no." asher said with a glimmer in her eye.

"oh fuck yeah." i said grabbing her hand and running.

by the time we reached our spot, the boys had just started playing permanent vacation. michael kept smiling and glancing at me and it made my stomach churn. just a year and a half ago i was dreaming of meeting michael and now eight months later, im fucking dating him. we have only been dating for three months but it felt like thirty fucking years.

the boys so far have played permanent vacation, good girls, dont stop, jet black heart, and heartbreak girl before michael spoke.

"hey paris how are you guys?!" he yelled into the mic, earning a huge roar from the crowd, "well we have two special girls on this entire tour with us. im sure you guys can guys who they are." michael finished.

"halen, asher, get your asses up her." luke said into the mic.

since asher and i are complicated as fuck, instead of taking the stairs, the guards helped us climb up onto the stage. i went and stood by michael and asher, of course stood by luke.

"so guys this is my beautiful girlfriend halen." michael started grabbing my hand.

"and this is my best friend asher." luke said putting his arm around her shoulders.

"for now you guys are best friends. not for long." i said into the mic, making both of them go a deep shade of red.

"ok get off stage now i hate you." luke said. i walked over to him and hugged him making the crowd roar with awes.

asher and i jump off stage, and right after asher punched me in my arm.

"look, i know youre talking to someone but you dont even know who he is. give lukey a chance." i said shrugging.

"if things fall out (boy) with this guy, then i will. but dont get your fucking hopes up." she scoffs.

"okay, so many of you may know, that before i met halen. she was a fan. and obsessed with me. and when we first started talking to me, i asked her what her favorite five seconds of summer song was. so this one is for you halen. this is a song we like to call end up here!" michael yelled, then they started playing the chords.

*end of show and back on the bus bc i am lazy*

the show was so incredible. i met so so many nice people and i just loved it. were back on the bus heading to the next city. everyone had went to their own bunks except for me and michael. we were laying on the couch in the lounge watching cry baby aka one of my favorite johnny depp movies.

"did you enjoy the show?" he asked stroking my hair.

"i loved it. i cant believe you remembered end up here is my favorite song." i said laughing.

"how could i forget. its all you fucking tweeted about." he said laughing.

"youre lucky i love you, you shit head." i said kissing his cheek.

"and i love you." he replied kissing my forehead. 

not soon after, i was in that state that you go in before you are actually asleep. and right before i drifted off, i heard michael say something. 

"halen marie, i michael clifford, am hopelessly in love with you." he said kissing my hair.

as i heard him say those words my heart skipped a beat. my favorite person on the entire earth. is hopelessly in love. with me. all this time of wondering if michael truly did love me and being hesitant. now i actually know that the love of my life. now i know that i am also the love of his life.

A/N- shout out for cliff hangers :))))) ok well this is clearly the longest chapter i have ever wrote and i think i did a pretty damn good job. this story has a little under twenty more chapters before its completed, then i can finally start my luke story :) i dont truly know how its going to go but it will be somewhat similar to this one. i know i said asher is talking to someone on tumblr, so dont get confused if i change it for the luke story because i probably will :) luv u pals. have fun reading and stuff. my bff will prob read these and send me twelve texts about how much she loves me.

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