twenty five

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we were now back at mine and ashers place getting ready to go to sleep. tonight honestly went better than expected. everyone got along nicely and thats the first time anything peaceful like that has happened in so fucking long. i. could tell that leo and alex got the vibe that luke liked asher and vise versa but asher got her dads shyness so we all know that they are going to take ages. after i went back down from talking to my mom, katie and leo announced that they had been engaged which was quite a fucking shock because when we all were younger they hated eachother through middle and highschool and now they are going to be husband and wife. regaurdless, im so exstatic for them. they have both been through enough shit and im happy they have found happiness. especially with eachother. i was brought out of my thoughts when michael walked into my room; yet again unwelcomed.
"you know you really should knock. i could be naked." i say patting a spot next to me.
"actually, i think ill knock less now." he says with a cheeky grin.
"so what do you need dickhead?" i ask laughing.
"just being nosey. what did your mom pull you aside for?" he asks.
"she just wanted to know if you were 'thee michael' and she asked if we were dating and shit." i say like its no big deal.
"what did you tell her?" he replied
"i said that you were 'thee michael' and the shit that happened last night and that i dont know what the fuck we are." i said moving my hair out of my face.
"well that gives me more confidence for when i ask this." michael starts.
"halen, would you do that honors and be my beloved girlfriend?" he says getting on one knee.
"even though i hate you, of course i will." i say kissing him.
"god bless america." michael says as we pull away.
god i fucking hate him; hes lucky i love him more though.

a/n- yay!! im not a piece of shit and updated more than one chapter! but since ive remained kind of anon, ig when this gets to 1k reads ill put my socials in one of my future stories or possibly this one!! ok well i have homework!! have at the reading and voting and sharing and shit :)

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