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there. there right in front of me; was michael fucking clifford. along with luke, ash, and calum recording the whole thing.
"surprise." michael says smiling.
i drop my phone and run into his arms knocking him over onto the grass.
"what the hell are you guys doing here?" i say loud enough for the other boys to hear me but not getting off of michael.
"we have two months before tour starts and we figured we would spend it with you." michael says from under me. i decided to sit up but im sitting on michael with both legs on either side of him with my hands resting on both sides of his face
"ive missed you" i say squeezing his face. he had moved his hands from the ground to my knees just leaving them there.
"im so happy to see you" he says moving my hair out of my face. just then we hear a camera go off.
"give me a sec and it will be on twitter." calum says typing on his phone. and within a few seconds later; our phones are going crazy.
"@Calum5SOS: @Michael5SOS and @fuckclifford reunited & it feels so good *photos attached*"
"thanks cal" i say with a bit of sarcasm. just then, asher comes outside.
"hoLY SHIT LUKE." she yells and tackles him.
"hi to you too asher." he says laughing with michael. my god this is going to be a wild two months

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