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A/N- i promise there will be a michael pov

we did alot in just a few short hours. we went to ihop, the strange and unusual oddities parlor (a personal favorite of mine), and saw the new deadpool movie. we were all standing in the airport not wanting to leave eachother. i had looked over at asher and she looked as if her heart had just been ripped out of her chest; and if she looked like that i couldnt have looked much better. i didnt even notice i started crying.
"halen dont cry. ill start crying and it will be a huge huge mess." michael says smiling and whiping my tears away.
"it feels like just right when i get you, youre being pulled away from me." i say looking down.
"dont think that. ill always be yours." he says hugging me. if only michael thought of me the way i did. we both pull away when we feel our phones vibrate.
"@Calum5SOS: @Michael5SOS and @fuckclifford are so cute *hugging photo attached*"
i save it and look at michael and give him a smile.
"im really going to miss you mikey." i say hugging him again. in return he just hugs me tighter.
"flight 376 to sydney australia is now boarding." we hear the flight attendant say over the intercom.
"thats my que." he says frowning. "i love you halen. ill text you as soon as we land" he said hugging me.
"i love you too mikey. one last picture." i say smiling and quickly snapping a picture.
"see you soon" i say waving. as soon as he is out of my view; i tweet the picture.
"@fuckclifford: i finally met my best friend. so surreal and sad to see him go. ill see you soon mikey, i love and adore you. *photo attached* @Michael5SOS"
he's only been gone for five minutes and i already long for his presence.
"come on halen, lets get home." asher says tugging at my sleeve.
i nod and shove my phone in my pocket; we walk to our car and take the long drive back to our home. and all i can think of is michael and what is running through his mind and how he is feeling. the unknown is killing me and i dont think i can handle it much longer.

A/N- wooo more suspence. but here are more chapters :) hope you all are enjoying !! i get a bit teary eyed writing these bc halen and mikey are so cute & shit & then i bring myself back to reality.

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