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asher and i had got home after leaving the boys and we both plopped on the couch. my phone hasnt stopped fucking buzzing for the past two days. i went from being a small fan accout with 500 followers to sort of being forced to be a actual personal account with almost 3000 followers in two days, but at least i could make my photo of michael and i. looking at the videos and photos makes me so happy that i met them and so sad that they are gone.
"halen; im tired as shit. im going to bed. goodnight dickhead, i love love love you." asher said hugging me.
"i adore you, you punk bitch. i fuckin love you" i say back to her before she goes upstairs.
i get up and put sweeny todd, start it, and start clearing the many notifications i had. this fandom was a mix of people; almost all were nice and supportive then you had the over obssessive ones who could be mean. i was lost in my thoughts when i got a text from michael.

mikey- its only been two hours and i miss you already.
halen-fly back to kingston damnit.
mikey- i would if i could
halen- please come back soon.
mikey- you know i will. i wouldnt miss it for the world.
halen- i love you michael
mikey- i love you too halen

A/N- im sorry i havent updated in a week or few days; ive been really busy with schooling and stuff but im keeping this book up and i will finish this series! love you guys

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