twenty one (pilots)

18 1 0

A/N- the title doesnt mean anything specific; im just tøp trash ok

we had gotten home a few hours ago and decided to chill for a bit. asher and i were outside while the boys were inside playing fifa. thank god we have an xbox of our own, they might have cried.
"so halen" asher started
"so asher" i said back
"how are you and michael?" she asked
"honestly closer since we met in person." i said with a smile.
"you know he really likes you. its pretty obvious." she said smirking.
i want to believe her but something is telling me that i just cant.
"so how are you and this mystery boy?" i ask. asher had recently started talking to this boy on tumblr as well. only he wont tell her his name are really anything.
"still dont know his name. but from what i do know; he sounds like the love of my life." she says with a laugh.
as i was getting ready to reply to her; we hear a crash from inside.
"thats our queue" i said rolling my eyes and running inside with asher by my side.
and just as i thought. one of our many coffee mugs on the table had broken.
"you guys are so lucky this isnt my black craft cult mug." i say laughing and picking up the pieces.
"so what happened?" asher asked folding her arms.
"LUKE AND ASH FUCKING CHEATED!" michael and cal yelled.
"NO WE DIDNT! YOU GUYS FUCKING LOST!" luke and ash retorted.
"okay well its like 1am. and we have neighbors. continue this tomorrow." asher says.
"wait where are you guys sleeping?" i ask
"well we know you have room here.." michael said.
"so you guys just assumed we would let you stay here?" i said crossing my arms; making them shrug their shoulders.
"you guys are lucky there are two beds in each room. my door is black; asher's is navy blue. the hall bathroom is grey. the only white doors are the guest rooms. have at it." i say and run upstairs, while the boys argue over who gets what room and who shares with whom.
this is going to be not only a fun two months; but a long two months.

A/N2- updates updates updates yay; they are also going to be somewhat long considering they aren't texting convos. have fun pals & remember not to snort stuff

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