twenty two

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i was woken up but the faint noise of someone opening my door.
"who the fuck is in my room?" i say shooting up out of my bed.
"its just me" michael answered.
i fully sat up and turned my lamp on.
"what time is it?" i ask scratching my head
"its five in the morning." michael said sitting cross-legged in front of me.
"why are you fucking up." i ask sternly.
"i couldnt sleep; something has been eating me away inside." he says sounding kind of down.
"mikey, youre my best friend. you can tell me anything." i say scooting closer to him.
"its not that easy halen." he said looking away from me.
"michael, you know i wont judge you. no matter what you tell me." i say resting my hand on his knee.
"well here it goes. halen, i kind of like you. ive honestly liked you since the first time i talked to you. but i saw your tumblr and realized you were a fan and knew it would be risky. so i didnt tell you who i was. i didnt want you to use me like everyone else. then when we met in person, i knew that i actually did have something stronger than friendship for you. you can ask the guys, ever since i first started talking to you, i didnt stop talking about you too them. ive just been scared to tell you that i like you because i didnt think you would like me back. because im, well, because im me." michael says glancing at me from time to time.
i honestly dont know what to say, i just sit there staring at him in shock.
"you can say anything at any time.." he says scratching his head yet again.
i still dont say anything but launch myself forward to where im hugging him but laying on top of him as well.
"michael, are you fucking stupid? of course i like you, you twat. ive looked past the fact that you are michael from five seconds of summer. of course i was like that at the beginning but now i see you as my best friend. the person i can be myself with and tell everything too. but most of all the person i have grown to like, and you should feel fucking special because i hate everyone." i say sitting up and smiling at him.
"so if i were to kiss you, you wouldnt be mad?" he said smiling.
"id be pissed if you didnt." i replied.
and just like that. i was kissing my role model, my sunshine, and my bestfriend. all at the same time. in my bed. and five in the morning. and it wasnt a shitty one either, it actually felt like it had meaning and a story behind it. which it did.
we pulled away and rested our foreheads on eachothers.
"come in michael we need sleep." i say turning my light off.
michael climbed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"good night mikey." i say smiling
"good night halen." he said squeezing my waist.
this is going to be a great story for the morning.

A/N- hi frenz. ok so im only writing one chapter tonight because it is kind of long compared to the others and this is just a little filler chapter as for the things i have in store for this story. sorry for not updating in ages, ive been really busy with school and prom and ACT practice and all that pointless shit. but heres an filler; enjoy ;) {also i dont proof read so if there are any errors my apologies}

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