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A/N- sorry for not updating in ages

mikey- its been a month; i miss ur face
halen- i miss ur face too dickhead
mikey- im calling u on skype

and two seconds later; i'm recieving a call from my other half.
"HALEN MARIE; OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOUR CUTE LITTLE FACE" Calum screamed as all four of my favorite boys appeared on the screen.
"like was calpal." i said laughing.
"back off cal." michael growled.
"hi lukey, hi ash." i say waving
"hello" they say in unison.
"ok be gone; let me talk to halen" michael says shooing them away.
"so i see you changed your hair." i say laughing
"at least we match" michael says motioning to my now blue hair
"ive missed your beautiful face michael."
"i could say the same for you. hey smile." michael says pulling out his phone.
instead of smiling; i squish my face together making him laugh. and just a few seconds later my phone vibrates.
"youre going to kill this fandom mikey." i say shaking my head.
"just look at it." he says smiling.
i unlock my phone and open up twitter.
"@Michael5SOS: ive missed this beautiful girl so much @fuckclifford"
there are already so many comments and retweets and likes.
"i see you blushing" michael says.
"oh fuck off"

A/N2- lil cliff hanger oooo

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