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mikey- i miss you.
halen- i miss you too dick for brains
mikey- ok wow that hurt
halen- ily so its ok
mikey- ok so i have a some what important question. you dont have to answer if you dont want too.
halen- okay shoot.
mikey- so youve never talked about any previous relationships.. have you been in any?
halen- ive been in a bit but none were important; well all but one.
mikey- you dont have to tell me if you dont want too
halen- no its fine. youre my best friend, you deserve to know. his name was ryan and when i first saw him, i was head over heels. i adored the shit out of him. he meant every thing to me. we started dating when i was fifteen and he was seventeen; i thought we would last forever. but things started turning fatal. he start getting mean and violent.
mikey- did he hit you
halen- a few times. i was waiting for him at his house and he came back drunk and started screaming at me for no reason but he was way to drunk to process anything and just blacked out and i saw that as my chance to leave. thankfully at the time asher's parents lived on the next street over.
mikey- if i ever see that sick son of a bitch i swear to fucking god ill kill him.

A/N- shit mikey is heated

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