twenty nine

14 1 0


we had finally landed in australia. everything was so foreign and different to me. there wasn't any bipolar weather. people drove on the opposite side of the road. people were actually outside and friendly to one another.

"so who is picking us all up?" i ask while we wait at baggage claim.

"well we don't leave for tour for another two days. but my mum karen and luke's mum liz are picking us up." michael says grabbing his bags.

holy fucking shit. im meeting karen clifford and liz hemmings. halen, breathe. im meeting my boyfriend's mom and my best friend's mom. I AM MEETING THEIR FUCKING MOMS.

"halen, are you ok?" asher asks shaking me.

"yeah, just zoning about how pretty it is here." i say grabbing my bags.

once we all have our bags, we make our way to the exit. michael and luke said that their parents would be holding welcome signs with all of our names on them.

"OH MY GOD MY BABIES!" karen yelled running towards us, causing liz to drop her things and run towards the boys.

they all exchanged i miss yous and i love yous before michael introduced myself and asher.

"mum, liz. this is my girlfriend, halen and her sister, asher. guys, this is my mum karen, and my other mum liz aka luke's mum." michael says making multiple hand gestures.

asher and i go to shake their hands but instead get hugs.

"oh here we hug." they say to both of us.

"its so incredible to meet you all." i say to liz and karen.

"i've heard so much about you. at first when you and michael became friends, i thought you were what people call a catfish. now i can actually go to sleep at night after eight months knowing my son is talking to a sweet nineteen year old girl instead of a fourty year old man." karen said laughing and hugging me.

"well what are we still doing here?? we rented a huge van just so we all could fit!" liz says jumping up and down.

the others walk to the van while michael and i straggle behind.

"my mum really likes you." he said intertwining our fingers.

"how do you know?" i ask curiously.

"well first off, you make her son really happy. second you are real. third she can see you are genuinely nice and caring and an overall amazing person. if she didn't like you she wouldn't have hugged you for a second time." he said laughing.

well now i can go to sleep at night knowing michael's mom actually likes me.

A/N- fun fact: when i was typing mom in that last sentence, i typed moms at first because i was thinking of karen and liz. but heres another chapter. i'm only writing two for now because i feel they are both rather lengthy and this is a good stopping point so the that the next chapter can be even longer and more descriptive. by 4 now frendz. enjoy & be sure to vote and share and shit and also check out my other stories :)))

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