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michael and i had been hugging for what seemed like eternity till luke coughed.
"so youre the mysterious halen we have heard so much about." ashton said smiling
"yeah i guess thats me." i said and returned the smile.
"its nice to finally meet you." calum spoke up.
"its just so surreal, i didnt think that i would meet my best friend and him be michael from five seconds of summer." i say sitting next to michael on the couch. i look at asher and she is in deep conversation with luke.
"how long are you here for?" i turn to michael.
"we leave tomorrow at 5." michael said with a frown.
"hey dont frown, we have till 5 to spend together." i said elbowing him. michael pulls out his phone and takes a picture of us.
"@Michael5SOS: finally met my best friend (: @fuckclifford"
once he tweeted that my phone would not stop going off.
"thanks mikey. now my phone wont shut the fuck up." i said shoving him.
"okay well its late and we should head to our hotel. we will pick you guys up tomorrow, michael will text you." ashton says.
asher and i nod and get up from our spots on the couch hug luke and michael, and were on our way.
"that was the best day of my life." asher says.
"oh just wait till tomorrow." i return and smile.

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