twenty eight

14 1 0

(halen; left+white hightop converse, asher; right+black ankel doc marten boots)


today is the day. today is the day i have to drop the four people i fucking love the most off at the airport, so they can go back home. and the shitty part about it? i don't know when i'll see them next. i don't know if asher and i will go there, i don't know if they will come back here. fuck, i don't know if they will even come anywhere remotely near scranton on their next fucking tour. so much has happened in the past two months. we did so much but at the same time so little. but i am grateful for it to have happened because if it didn't, michael and i may not have ended up together so soon. sure, it was bound to fucking happen. but this soon? i was knocked out of my daze by everyone walking in my room with huge grins on their faces.

"why are you all so happy? you guys are leaving today." i say frowning and pulling my blankets closer to my body.

"that's the thing. our manager said you and asher could come on our next tour with us. you guys would be working our merch table and managing our meet and greets when we have them." calum says with his cheeky ass grin.

all i can do is jump up and engulf them all in a hug, kind of like the one i did to michael when they first got here.

"YOU CANT BE SERIOUS?!" i screech at the top of my lungs.

"oh but we are. so pack your shit. we leave in three hours." ash says getting up off the floor.

"but what about our house?" i say turning to asher.

"leo and katie will be taking care/living in the guest room while we are gone." she replied smirking.

i get up off the floor and start packing my shit for this tour. since i didn't think to ask how long it was i felt two suitcases, a bookbag, and a smaller bag for carry-on was alright. i filled one suitcase with shirts, underwear, socks, and bras, the other suitcase with shorts, pants, and leggings. the bookbag with my converse at the bottom then my bathroom stuff, and lastly my carry-on with my camera, laptop, earbuds, and chargers. if i get cold, i'll just take one of michael's jackets. god, this is going to be the best time of my entire life.

A/N- hey frendz. ur local frendly piece of shit here. coming at ya with an update that isn't within a week/weeks apart!! five days!! i'm on a roll!! but thats only because im on my brother's laptop lmao. but have fun pals. this is the longest fic i've wrote and haven't deleted within weeks of it being up, so i feel like a proud parent right now. i have also figured out the sequence of who i'm going to be writing about for this series. its going to go

michael (obvi)




thanks for sticking around. AAANNNDDD im updating more than once chapter just incase i dont update for like a week and a half :^)

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