twenty three

18 1 0

(halen; left, asher; right)

i was woken up by another loud morning of screaming boys.
"god damnIT BOYS SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PIECES OF SHIT" i scream rolling in my bed.
"HEY HALEN CHECK YOUR PHONE" asher yells from down stairs.
i pick it up and see so many notifications.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW I DID IT?" he shouts back.
"IM NOT DUMB YOU DICKHEAD" i retort opening twitter.
"@Michael5SOS: so glad i can call her mine @fuckclifford"
as i read the tweet there were so many replies; some hateful, some warming.
i decided to change my clothes and look somewhat presentable; considering it was three in the afternoon. today the guys didnt know it but asher and i were taking them to meet our families. our families are really easy going. i just have my mom and older sister and asher has her mom, dad, and older brother. i havent seen my mom since i moved and havent seen my sister since she moved 6 years ago but i still talk to them from time to time. i change my clothes and head downstairs.
"get ready bitches, we are meeting some people." i said shutting the game off.
"who?!" the boys scream
"just go change and lets go" i say walking outside with asher.
"they are going to shit their pants." she says getting into our cars.
"oh i know." i say laughing.
this is going to be a fun day.

a/n- hi frenz it me. im updating for once. lmao ok. and its more than one !! im finally getting my shit together !!

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