Everyone wants in

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Chapter 2: Everyone wants in

Melissa loved acting. If she didn't have to work back in high school to support her family, she would have tried out for drama club or auditioned for a school play. Never in a million years did Melissa expect to be where she was now.

It all started her freshman year of high school. A flyer about an open audition for a commercial at the mall offered her an opportunity to not only make money but to finally explore acting. All those hours in front of a mirror playing characters from her favorite shows finally paid off.

Her family was poor so when Melissa walked home with a $500 check in her pocket, reality began to hit. Perhaps Melissa had finally discovered her route to survival. That commercial lead to another.

Her local commercials paid well but the checks were inconsistent. Her mom still had long hours and night shifts at the hospital despite her failing health. If Melissa had one goal, it was to help her mom.

Within a few months, Melissa booked her first national campaign. She was jetted to LA to shoot for a cellphone commercial. Her famous line "you had me at hello" in the commercial opened an even bigger door. Melissa was offered a small role on a TV show at the age of 16 and then at the age of 17, she was a supporting character on the TV show, Midnight, which ran for three years. It was also on that show where Jim Graph discovered her. Melissa finished her contract with Midnight and immediately got on set for Sparrow.

So here she was... Melissa had finally completed her goals. She retired her mom, bought them a new house, and saved a tuition for Gracie to attend the best university out there. Melissa thought once that was done, she'd stop working. She'd return to school and become a teacher or something except now she realized there was no way to go back. She was a celebrity. She was forever going to be in the spot light. The new normal for her was going to red carpet premieres and riding in limos.

Did Melissa regret it though? Never.

All her sacrifice was for her family and every penny she earned was through so much hard work. Melissa was 20 years old this year except she felt so much older. She spent her teenage years standing in line waiting for audition after audition, rehearsing her lines until her tongue felt rubbery and getting back up rejection after rejection. This industry didn't coddle anyone. If you're not the best, someone was there to replace you.

"Get up, Melissa!!!" someone yelled.

Melissa jerked up, half asleep and very confused. She glanced around and saw her manager, Krysti standing in her room with a bull horn.

"What are you doing?!" Melissa exclaimed as Krysti threw open the blinds releasing bright sunlight into the room that was piercing to Melissa's eyes.

"Time to get up," Krysti said, tapping her foot. "You've got a huge day."

Melissa groaned and dragged herself out of bed. She opened her bedroom door and found her entire prep crew camping out in her living room.

"Krysti..." Melissa said, feeling her eye twitch. "I wish you'd call before barging into my house."

Krysti just shrugged and returned to texting people on her phone. Sometimes Melissa regretted giving Krysti a copy of her suite key...

"Go shower," Nicole said. "Then we can get you into hair and makeup."

"You're first appointment is at 9:00," Krysti added, scanning her leather book.

"Great," Melissa said, yawning.

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