Childhood Friends

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Chapter 19: Childhood friends

"JJ!" Melissa scolded as Jesse messily munched on his chips. "You're making a mess!"

"But we're outside," Jesse said, plopping down under a tree. "The ants can eat the crumbs. Do you want one?" he asked.

Melissa shook her head. "I'm not allowed to eat snacks before dinner," she explained.

Jesse's chubby cheeks puffed up as he smiled. "Mel," he said. "You're the best friend Jesse has ever had."

"That's stupid talk, JJ," Melissa said, sitting next to him. "You have lots of friends!" she said, spreading her arms out.

"Like who?"

Melissa thought about it. "Gracie?" she finally said. Jesse sighed. "Never mind," Melissa said. "We'll be best friends together then."

"Okay!" Jesse said, standing up. "I'll always be Mel's best friend." He bent over and picked a tiny daisy. "This is for you," he said, beaming.

Melissa took it. "Thank you!"


"JJ!" Melissa exclaimed as a branch snapped off a tree.


Melissa rushed over and pushed Jesse out of the way just in time. "Are you hurt?!" she demanded.

Jesse hugged his scraped knee and started to cry. "It hurts!" he cried.

"Don't move!" Melissa exclaimed. "I'll get help."

She rushed back into her house to the medicine cabinet. She grabbed a band aid and some cleanser with cotton balls.

"Hold still," she said, dabbing the cotton ball on his knee.

"That stings!" Jesse cried.

Melissa gently blew on the cut. "Just hang in there," she said, gently dabbing the edges. "You have to clean it or else it will get infected," she said, pushing her bangs out of her eyes. "You should have been more careful."

"Sorry Mel..." Jesse mumbled.

Melissa stuck the band aid over the scrape. "Just remember to always stay with me, okay?" she asked. "I'll protect you."

"Mel!" Jesse cried. "I promise I'll always follow you!"

Melissa smiled. "Of course you will," she said, patting his shoulder. "Come on. Mom left us some apples."

"Oh goodie," Jesse said, trailing after her.

"JJ!" Melissa screamed, rushing over.

Jesse grabbed her around the waist and pulled both of them out of the way as the light crashed onto the ground.

Everyone was silent. Melissa looked at Jesse. He was staring back at her.

"MEL!" he exclaimed suddenly, hugging her.

Everyone watched in surprise. Benedict immediately had people go clean up the broken glass.

"Is it really you, Mel?!" Jesse asked, hugging her tightly.

Melissa gently hugged him back. "Yeah," she said. "It's me."

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