Blocking Blues

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Chapter 7: Blocking Blues

"Don't get into trouble," Krysti said, watching Melissa pack.

"What could I possibly do in New Zealand?" Melissa asked, dumping a few jackets into her suitcase. "Besides, you'll be joining me in a few days."

"A lot can happen in any amount of time," Krysti said. "Don't make too many bad headlines."

"Actress gets eaten by bear," Melissa joked, zipping up her second suitcase.

"Very funny," Krysti said. "I have to meet with a lot of people. You're the hot topic ever since you landed the role of Marina Cleo. Once I got everything taken care of, I'll fly out to New Zealand."

"I know," Melissa said, sitting on her bed. "It feels like Sparrow all over again except this time I know what's coming."

"With Benedict, you never know what's coming," Krysti said, shaking her head. "Do you know how many 'final' schedules he's sent out?! It's a manager's nightmare."

Melissa smiled. "Have I packed enough?" she asked.

Krysti nodded. "There will be places to get clothes washed. Text me if you forgot anything. Did you remember a winter coat?"

Melissa nodded. "Okay, I'm going to get going now," she said. "Stan is waiting."

"You got your disguise right?"

"Look good enough?" Melissa asked, twirling.

She had faded skinny jeans, a striped shirt with a draped vest, high tops, beanie, and black framed glasses on.

"Very hipster," Krysti said, sighing. "Okay, you don't want to miss your flight."

Melissa gave Krysti a quick hug and lugged both giant suitcases to the lobby by herself. Stan helped her load the luggage into the back of the trunk and opened the door for her.

"How long will you filming?" Stan asked.

"A few months," Melissa told him. "Don't worry, I'll be going back and forth."

"I don't trust other people's security," he grumbled, driving toward the airport.

Melissa smiled. "I'll watch my own back for a while," she simply said.

They got to the airport where Melissa checked in her luggage. She was flying commercially and hoped no one would recognize her.

"Good luck," Stan said, giving her a quick hug.

"Thanks," Melissa said. "Well, I'm off!"

The flight from LA to New Zealand was over twelve hours. Melissa was dreading when she would have to fly back and forth between the two places. During those twelve hours, Melissa had her entire script memorized and full of side notes. After she got bored of that, she watched TV on the little screen in front of her.

Scrolling through the episodes, Melissa realized she hadn't seen a lot of these popular shows. Her finger stopped on "Crossroads."

The curiosity was too strong. Melissa selected the first episode. She had seen some of the show but she never really got what was going on plus now that she actually knew who Ryan was, it was even more interesting.

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