Onward to Battle

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Chapter 20: Onward to Battle

Today was a huge day. They were filming the two main battle scenes in the movie. Melissa didn't have to be on set until the afternoon because they were filming the first war first. Instead, she spent the entire morning in Wardrobes to get her armor right.

"I need a different shield!" the wardrobe instructor yelled. "This one doesn't match your armor," she said, walking away.

Melissa moved her arms around. Chain mail was really heavy.

"Mel!" Jesse called, walking over. The metal of his armor clinked as he walked. "Are you excited?" he asked.

Melissa nodded. "You still remember how to ride a horse?"

"Mel," Jesse complained. "I did spend almost every summer with my grandparents. I've been around horses more than people," he muttered.

Melissa laughed and clapped a hand on his shoulder plate. "You'll be great," she said, reassuringly.

"Well, we look so bad ass all decked out in armor," Vivian said, walking over.

Vivian's armor was less weight than everyone else's. During a lot of scenes, she was off her horse, fighting on foot. Her character, Cypress, couldn't be wearing so much protection.

The PA in the studio turned on.

"Would all participants in the battle scene make your way out to the lot," the announcer said. "I repeat, all participants in the battle scene, please make your way out into the lot."

"That's our signal," Melissa said. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins.

They flew out to a huge open field. There were over a thousand people on set. Melissa had never seen so many horses and weapons together at once before. Everyone was in battle gear.

"Whoa," Melissa breathed as they got out of the helicopter. "Now this is a movie..." she decided.

Since there were in fact over a thousand people, there was also a lot of directors there for crowd control. Benedict was covered in sweat as he hurried around.

"I need the Rider army over there," Benedict ordered. "Let's get a move on it! We don't have all day."

"You look fetching," Ryan said, walking in step with her.

Melissa was surprised how good Ryan looked in armor as well. He, like Melissa, had a huge shield strapped to his back. Melissa studied her boots to avoid his gaze.

"Sweating," Melissa said, hoisting herself onto her horse.

"It's only going to be for five hours," Ryan teased.

"Oh boy," Melissa said, patting her horse's neck.

"Hey," Ryan said.

"What?" Melissa asked, looking up.

"If you want other people to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself."

"Is this the Ryan Francis wisdom of the day?" Melissa asked, steadying her horse.

"No, it's just one of my lines," Ryan said, sticking his tongue out at her. "Someone hasn't been studying their lines!"

"It's not even my line," Melissa muttered. She nudged her horse forward. She looked over her shoulder; Ryan gave her a wink.

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