Easy Breezy Beautiful

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Chapter 17: Easy Breezy Beautiful

Melissa finally recovered from her little party in time for her Cover Girl shoot. She also had to get fit enough for a campaign shoot. Krysti had created her a diet as well as an exercise schedule. It was rigorous but not harmful. During the two weeks, Melissa ate very few carbs but she replaced it with lean protein and fresh vegetables. She also worked out at the gym for an hour and a half every day and was required to drink eight glasses of water a day to keep her skin clear. The only hard part was absolutely no sweets. Krysti came over every day to search her suite for junk food and take it away. How Krysti knew Melissa hid a box of Oreos under her couch was beyond Melissa.

Krysti and Nicole accompanied Melissa to the fancy studio that was in this sky scraper on the day of the shoot. They had to go up a long elevator ride to finally reach floor twenty.

"You must be Melissa Temple," the woman said, cheerfully when they knocked on the studio door.

"That I am," Melissa agreed, shaking her hand.

"My name is Mercy Ross," she introduced herself. "I'm the creative consultant for this shoot. This is Phil," she said, gesturing to the man beside her. "He is going to be shooting you today."

Melissa nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is mine," Phil said. "I'm looking forward to getting some great photos."

"Let's get you into hair and makeup then," Mercy said, showing them into the studio.

Melissa sat in her swivel chair as two people did her hair and makeup. There was a huge set of eyeshadows for her campaign. Melissa was going to be wearing the new CoverGirl Blast Collection Shadows.

"Make sure her eyes pop," Mercy said, observing.

Basically Melissa's makeup focused on the eyeshadow. Her face had a few layers of foundation for a flawless complexion and then pale mauve lipstick. The makeup artist then took bronzer to bring out Melissa's cheekbones. Finally, she did the important part- the Blast Collection Eyeshadow. They looked like double ended pens. One side was the creamy base color and the other was pointed tip with a color to make the eyes pop. Melissa used the silver one and then a pop of icy blue. Three coats of black mascara later, her look was done. Her hair was simple, straightened and then blown out.

Melissa then stepped behind a screen and slipped into her long sapphire blue chiffon dress. When she walked over to the set, the dress billowed behind her because the fabric was so light. Mercy added a few thick gold bangles to the look as well as large gold hoop earrings.

"We're going to do the campaign picture and then the commercial," Mercy said, pointing over to the stool.

Melissa sat down at the stool. The picture was only going to be a head shot. Phil adjusted the lights and turned the fan on.

"Look here," he said, taking a picture. "Part your lips slightly."

Melissa took a small inhale.

"Oh, beautiful," Phil said, clicking away. "Place your hand on your neck for a few pictures. Good. Good. Now, turn slightly to the side."

Melissa tilted her head all sorts of directions. She kept having to fix her hair because the fan always blew it into her face.

"Last few frames," Phil said. "A small smile."

Melissa gave him a sweet smile and that concluded the photo shoot. Mercy, Krysti, Melissa, Phil, Nicole and Krysti all stood around the screen as Mercy flipped through the photos.

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