Truth Pops Out

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Chapter 16: Truth Pops Out

Melissa had no idea where she was. Her head was against something soft but her head pounded like crazy. Her mouth felt like cotton too.

She moaned and felt around for her phone that was always on her night stand. Her arm dropped when there was no nightstand.

"Where am I?" she thought to herself.

The room was bright and Melissa could barely even open her eyes. She couldn't really talk either because her throat felt like a desert.

"Are you awake?" a silky voice asked.

Melissa rolled onto her back. Her hurt like crazy! She moaned in response.

"Here, drink this," the voice said. Melissa felt something cool touch her lips. She greedily gulped down the water. "Slowly," the voice coaxed. "Take these pills too..."

Melissa slowly opened her eyes and spit out the water in her mouth.

"RYAN?!" she exclaimed.

Ryan wiped his face. "Yeah, me," he said, setting the empty glass on his desk.

"What are you doing in my house?!"

"Take a look around you, sweetheart," Ryan said, amused.

Melissa looked around. This place was unfamiliar.

"This isn't my house!" she gasped.

"Correct," Ryan said, sitting in his swivel chair.

"Your house?" Melissa asked, studying the room.

It was simple but clean. Everything was neat and in perfect order. Melissa saw the different shades of blue in the room. The blankets had a faint scent...almost like a very very faint cologne. Just like the t-shirt she was wearing- Wait. She wasn't wearing a t-shirt last night...

"AHHHH!" Melissa screamed, pulling the blanket around herself. "WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?! YOU PERVERT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "I do have neighbors," he said with a sigh.


Ryan covered her mouth with his hand. "If you'll let me explain..." he said. "You had a little too much to drink last night and so did your friend, Vivian," he said, flatly. "I was going to take you home but then you threw up so I took you back to my house."


"You were a mess," Ryan defended himself. "I wasn't going to let you sleep in my bed like that!"

Melissa stared at him. "This is your bed?!" she shrieked. "Where did you sleep?!"

"In the living room," Ryan replied.

"Where's Vivian?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know,"

"You left her at the bar?!" Melissa exclaimed. "I have to call her-"

"She's fine," Ryan said. "She was sober enough to walk unlike you. If I recall correctly, you wouldn't have wine with dinner but you're okay with getting drunk now at a bar?"

Melissa blushed. "No..." she admitted. "I just...It's none of your business!" she said, crossing her arms.

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "None of my business? So, I should have just left you with that stranger. You could have woken up in his bed today...with no clothes on."

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