LA Bound

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Chapter 24: LA Bound

"CUT!" Benedict said, throwing down the script. "I thought we'd never get here but...that's a wrap!"

Everyone began clapping and cheering. Melissa hugged Julia and Vivian. Julia was teary eyed as she gave everyone hugs.

"A wrap?" Melissa asked Ryan. "We're done?"

"Yes," Ryan said, smiling. "We're completely done..."

Vivian grabbed Melissa's hand. "Can you believe it?!" she exclaimed.

Melissa shook her head, dazed. "Barely!" she agreed.

Benedict sighed. "You guys are all done...this is just the beginning for me," he laughed.

"This is a new beginning for all of us," Vivian said, smiling. "We're all heading back home."

Melissa nodded. "We're LA bound," she agreed.

It was a long flight back especially commercially. Melissa pushed up her fake glasses and stared at the clouds out the window. Ten hours first class was still exhausting.

"I'm so glad to be back," Krysti sighed, stretching out her arms.

"Same," Melissa agreed. "Where's Stan? I haven't seen him in forever."

It wasn't hard to spot a bald 6 foot man who held little sign.

"Stan!" Melissa said, giving him a hug.

"Welcome home," Stan said, nodding. "Let's get you out of this's making me nervous."

Melissa agreed. "I have to grab my luggage first," she reminded him.

"I'll get it," Krysti said. "You get out of this crowd first."

"Alright," Melissa replied.

Melissa kept her head down as Stan accompanied her through the airport.

"Wait," Melissa said, stopping. "Was that Ryan?"

"As in...?"

"You know," Melissa said. "Francis," she muttered under her breath. She swore a head of spikey yellow hair appeared in the crowd just now.

"I would expect him to fly private," Stan said.

"Oh...right," Melissa said. "Never mind."

She took another glance behind her...

"Ouch!" Melissa exclaimed, bumping into someone. Her glasses went skittering across the ground.

"I am so sorry," a teen girl said, holding her glasses.

"It's okay," Melissa said, reaching for the glasses.

"Wait," the girl exclaimed. "ARE YOU MELISSA TEMPLE?!"

Melissa smiled. "Shh!" she said, looking around.

"OH MY GOSH!" the girl shrieked. "Such a big fan! Can I have your autograph?!"

That did it. People all started cramming around. Stan did his best to move Melissa through the crowd.

"Melissa!" everyone kept yelling. Phones were getting shoved into her face as well as cameras.

Melissa swore she saw the blonde head in the distance and got an idea.

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