~ Ch. 43 ~

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                 Ezra's POV

    I was in the cockpit with the others, minus Acarna and Zeb. The one thing that those two do have in common is that they seem to take ALOT of naps. I don't understand who can sleep that much. Now that Kanan and I aren't arguing.....Hera got all excited because it was our first 'lover's quarell'........I will never understand women, that's a fact. Anyways.......everything has finally got back to 'normal'.......well normal for us anyway. During this time Kanan and Hera filled all of us in on this mission that we got. We are to rendezvous with two informants on the deserted tropical forest planet of Shikarai. Apparently a lost civilization used to live there but.......they then disappeared without a trace. The one thing we do know though is that the people were thought to be the start of the Jedi and Sith.

    "We're here, coming out of hyperspace now." Hera said and brought the Ghost out of hyperspace. Zeb and Acarna walked in and Acarna was looking at the planet, warily. "What's wrong Acarna?" I asked her. "There's something............ominous about this planet.........can't you sense it?" she asked me. I looked at Kanan and he looked at me, than at Acarna. "What exactly is it that you are sensing?" Kanan asked her. Our little conversation got the rest of the group interested and curious so they were faced the three of us. I could see the concern look on Zeb's face as he looked at Acarna. "It's just......somethings not right..........." she said trailing off, slinking back into her thoughts. I looked to the others and Hera sighed. "We can't leave. The information that these informants have is crucial to us. It could turn the tide of this war in our favor." Hera explained. I didn't know that we were landing until I heard the ship 'thud' and looked out the window to see an old building only a few feet in front of us. I looked apologetically at Acarna and she had a blank face on as she sighed.

    We all got off the ship, except for Chopper. "Come on Chop. It's not that bad out here." Sabine said to him. "Wah wah wahhh." he said. "He is right. The vines could get caught in his wiring." Hera stated. "We'll contact you for when we need the ship started okay?" Hera said to him and replied back to her and we started walking towards the building.

    "Hello? Anyone here? We were sent by Fulcrum." Hera said as we walked in. "Hello! Nice to meet you guys! My name is Luke and this here is-" "NEVEAH?!" "EZRA?!" we hugged each other for the longest time. I heard someone cough and we stopped hugging and looked at the others. "Oh sorry guys. This is my cousin Neveah Bridger. How have you been I haven't seen you sense we were six." I said, striking up a conversation. Her facial expression suddenly turned sad. I was instantly concerned.

    "What happened?" I asked her. "M-my m-mom was killed. A-and there w-was n-nothing I could do about it. She died........trying to keep me safe." Neveah sad sadly, her voice cracking a bit. "During the Jedi Purge?" Kanan asked her and she nodded. She suddenly smiled and pointed to my neck. "I see you've finally decided to stop hiding your markings." Neveah said. "Oh, I should probably introduce everyone." I said to Neveah. "Okay, this is Kanan, he's my other Half. This is Hera, our amazing pilot. This is Sabine, our explosions expert. This is Bobba he joined us a few months ago, he was a Bounty Hunter. This Lassat is Zeb, he's the muscle of the group." I said pointing to everyone as I introduced them to her.

    When I was about to introduce her to Acarna, she took one look at her and attacked her. Neveah didn't get very far as Acarna, with her now golden eyes, held out her hand, causing Neveah to stop in her tracks. "W-what is this?! I can't move!" Neveah said, shocked. "Acarna! Stop this! She's our family!" I shouted to Acarna. "Ezra?! How do you know this monster?!" Neveah shouted to me. I stood in between the two of them and looked at Neveah. "She's not a monster! She's my Sister!" I explained. "W-what?!" Neveah said, shocked beyond belief. I faced Acarna again, I need to bring her back to reality. "Acarna! STOP THIS! YOU'RE NOT A MONSTER! PROVE HER WRONG AND LET HER GO!!" I shouted to her. It seemed to work as Acarna's eyes went back to her normal sapphire and she held a hand to her forehead, tch'ed and walked out of the building. I turned towards Neveah and she wasn't happy one bit. I could tell by the pissed off look on her face.

    "So you're telling me that..............that thing........is your sister?!" Neveah asked, astounded after I explained how Acarna came to be with us. I pulled Neveah to a different part of the worn down building and Sabine came with us while the others talked to Luke about the mission. "Yes, and the Empress is my Mom." I explained. Neveah looked down and I grew concerned. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her. "It's just........I can't believe that your Mom is the Empress." she said. "Yeah, I was really shocked when I found out too. It was certainly shocking." I said.

    "WE GOT COMPANY!!" Zeb yelled. Next thing we heard was explosions of TIE fighters all around us. We ran outside and saw stormtroopers all around us. "What do we do?!" Hera said as her and the others got out their blasters and Kanan, Luke, Neveah, and I got out our Lightsabers and reflected their bolts as we made our way to the Ghost and Chopper must've started it. We made a beeline for it and we took off.

    "Wait! Where's A-" "I'm right here, I started the ship." Acarna said, stepping out of the cockpit. I hugged her. "I thought they got you." I said to her. Relief flooded through me and we jumped into hyperspace.


[ So here is the next chapter guys!!!! I'm not going to be able to update that much because my play is coming up soon. I joined Drama Club and our play is next weekend so we need to start focusing and stuff.

ANYWAYS!! I'm sure you guys noticed a 'new character'!! I'm excited to say that I am doing a cross over with my besti Rebel_Princess2015 and her character is Neveah!! I'm really excited!!!!

So now that the crew have two more people are tensions going to rise?! Will Ezra be able to keep everyone together?! Will their be a showdown between Acarna and Neveah?! Will Neveah want revenge for her Mother's death?!

Specter 7 out!!!!! ]

Are We Meant To Be? *2nd book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now